Hey! I want to make a blog, and so I am making one! Before I even knew about this blog function, I kind of blogged about my progress in here: http://community.aneros.com/community/forum/general-discussion/148944-beginner-looking-for-help-and-the-real-user-guide If you really want to go back, I'd recommend peeking in that thread. Either way, here is a short introduction: So I've been doing stuff anally for quite some years, and somehow got a little addicted to it even though I never really had any sort of orgasm with it. I found...

Hi everyone, I am going to record what happened on my Aneros session on March 25,2018 since this is the first time I have used my ET in several months. Hopefully by documenting what I do will help me reach the Super 0. I was really excited about using my ET so I started by giving my self a water enema, which I like to do. Then I got into a hot bubble bath and soaked for 30 minutes. Next I went...

I received my new package at the beginning of the week and it included; MGX Trident, Helix Trident, Marksman Capsules and Sessions Lube. I'll start of by saying that I think I prefer the helix shape over the MGX, but that being said, the k tab exclusive to the trident series, made it feel more agile and anchored. There was some slight discomfort in the beginning of the session but there were a lot of variables in this session so...

So I'm now on day 4, and I will say that things are progressing well. It's sort of like re-wiring what's already been re-wired. I had learned quite a lot over the past 4 years, but there was still that connection to traditional orgasm with my sessions. And while even with my session today there is still that mental connection, I can tell it is becoming more faint. Today I experienced a sequence of deep, sustained...

So this initial 24 hours has been quite interesting. My first night with my chastity cup I can honestly say I didn't get the best sleep. I woke up just about every hour, but I'm sure with time this will change as I get accustomed to wearing it. I was out of the house for work today so most of the day I didn't wear it. For now I will only wear it around the house,...

Hi guys, Last evening some hours before I went to bed, on Tumblr I saw an incredibly hot baseball player who was wearing an XL size Nutty Buddy Cup called the Mongo. It created an almost obscene cup bulge in his baseball pants. So last night I wore a Nutty Buddy Cup size Mongo to bed last night. Retired MLB great Mark Littell who was the inventor of this amazing athletic cup originally envisioned this cup to be worn in the pouch...

This is my first blog. I am a newbe with only 6 months using an Aneros product. I wanted to document what happened on Tuesday in hopes that someone can help me understand what happened. Need some help trying to figure out what happen to me on Tuesday night. I am a newbe and have never had a rectal orgasm or big O. I started out like I usually do, give myself an enema to clear my rectum out. Then I prelub myself using...

So this is my first blog post. I've been an Aneros user for 4-5 years and have used the forum and chat intermittently, though never really in depth. So first things first, I would say that I have had a great deal of success with the Aneros. I've experienced new sensations and had many sessions that have reached a Super-O, at least what I would think / consider constitutes a Super-O. I usually have 1, maybe 2, sessions...

My last session was Sunday night, number five in four days so I've decided to take a total break on EVERYTHING prostate. No session, no Aless, nothing but the occasional edge session and this until at least Wednesday night. I want to hit the reset button for a while and see the effects. Maybe it's something I need to do on occasion....

I have borrowed this analogy from one of @goldenboy’s recent blogs, thank you GB. Looking into my own “well” these past couple of days I noticed that while it surely was low it was not completely empty, there was still something in there but, it was just out of reach. But it seems that Mother Nature has kindly been topping up the well while I was not looking and now find that it has almost been fully replenished. I can...

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