• New Adventure

    This is my first blog. I am a newbe with only 6 months using an Aneros product. I wanted to document what happened on Tuesday in hopes that someone can help me understand what happened.
    Need some help trying to figure out what happen to me on Tuesday night. I am
    a newbe and have never had a rectal orgasm or big O.
    I started out like I usually do, give myself an enema to clear my rectum out.
    Then I prelub myself using Aneros Marksman personal lub. It is easy to use and
    really makes it easy to use my Eupho Trident. Next I lay on the bed on my back with a pillow
    under the small part of my back. I go to Youtube and find the “Button Pushing
    Aneros Prostate Training” video. I listen to the relaxing video, lub my Eupho and
    follow the instructions on the video to slowly insert the Eupho up my anus. The
    video lasts around 25 minutes and really forces me to concentrate on what is happening
    in my rectum. I slowly start concentrating on my breathing and then start contractions.
    I can feel the Eupho moving in the out of my anus and the rythum felt really good. But no
    orgasm or percum. Then I start playing with my nipples and I can feel an electric shock going
    to my balls. After 35 minutes I got out of the bed and got on my knees with
    my body on the bed and continue performing the contractions. After about 5 minutes of hard contractions
    I felt tired so I got back on the bed on my back. I then concentrate on really hard contractions.
    This seems to start something. It is not an orgasm but a feeling that I needed to grab my dick and balls and
    pull them really hard. I start breathing really hard and started moving all over the bed and moaning but no orgasm
    or ejaculation. I did feel a small amount of precum. This goes on for 5 minutes then everything stops. Does anyone know what that was?

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