Wow! What a difference a day makes! After the disappointment of my 2nd session, I wanted to give myself some time before I tried again. But my anus had different ideas. The prostate soreness that I had experienced during the 2nd session was completely gone, and in fact it was feeling pretty good. My anus wanted, nay, it demanded something to fill it, NOW! So we compromised; a short session of only 30 minutes on the...

I tried for another quickie session )30 min( like yesterday, but it wasn't quite fantastic. I did learn some things, though, so I call it a success. First, after a long, hot bath to relax, I inserted the lubed Helix. Drips of pre-cum for the first time. Just a few drips, but all I did was insert the Helix. No erection, just an electric feeling emanating from my groin and drips of pre-cum. This is...

Well, that could have gone better. Underwhelming on almost all counts. Expectations - Wanted to get warm and really relaxed, get aroused, and then sit back and see what happens with minimal contractions. TSLE - about 7 days I had more time to work with, so I could spend a lot more time prepping. Heated the room, pre-washed all the toys, pre-rolled a shea butter bullet )stored in a glass of cold water in the fridge(, pre-lubed the Helix...

Hi guys, Even though today I need to continue working on my taxes, earlier this morning I had a session that nearly blew me away. This morning I used only the following models in succession: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, Progasm Classic. First I began with Helix Classic. It seemed that it "fit" me perfectly and massaged all the sweet spots in my anal canal, and along and around my prostate. I purposely avoided anal contractions and focused on the "do-nothing-approach." Wow! Immediately there...

The Vice has been an absolute champ this week. I used it 3 times since my last blog post, and all three times I ended the session saying to myself that THAT session was the best session I've ever had so far with the Vice. Can't wait until tomorrow! :( The 3rd of those three sessions was especially remarkable, since it was SO much better than the previous session )and former 'Best Session Ever' champion(. I actually...

First session notes - wherein I expose my newb-ness The Helix Syn came in the mail a few days ago along with the other supplies. I had about an hour and a half of uninterrupted privacy to look forward to, so I grabbed the chance to play. Expectations - I just wanted to practice getting the Helix inside me and feel what it was like. I like CrimsonWolf's write-up about the do-nothing approach, but this time I just wanted to...

Hi all, I'm new to the Aneros experience. I don't remember how I learned about it, but somehow I did, and I've been lurking for the past few weeks, voraciously reading the posts of others. This is exciting! I'm really looking forward to diving in. I'm very grateful to the other men who have generously shared their experiences; I've already learned a lot about my own body and my sexuality/sensuality. To repay this generosity, I thought I'd...

Started the day with a sexy text to her telling I couldn't wait fuck her wet pussy. Sent a cell shot of my semi erection to her cell to entice her for the afternoon. She responded that she was "biting her lip".. Got home and took a relaxing shower, washed away the day. The phone rang and it was her sister. She knew we had plans and after a bit she motioned and suggested I went ahead and get started with...

I had about 5-6 sessions since the incredible success I wrote about in my last blog post. For the most part, they were all enjoyable and I achieved quite a number of what I am calling "Super Os". Rather than go into details on any one of them, I'll simply summarize my thoughts regarding those sessions. -I'm at the point now where I know the 'path' to a Super O. Meaning, I know roughly what I need to...

I wrote this a year ago with a series of 3 porn stories to use as aids to my arousal when riding. They were all remembrances of real events. Turns out they were fun to write! I didn't intend to post this here but by popular request )thank you @Neros( I am finally posting it. Enjoy...

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