braveneworld's review and endorsement of the maximus classic ( convinced me to buy one. As I imagined, the maximus and MGX have a lot in common because of their similar shapes. Both have an assertive presence; I can't forget either of them is in there. The main difference I feel is the MGX is more insistent. It demands attention in a way the maximus doesn't. braveneworld succinctly described it with the phrase “hugs you inside and...

Last night was a downer. I was good and did as I was told. No orgasm. At 1 am I had a very scary sleep paralysis. I felt like my arm had become a snake. Bit weird. Still looking after a sick child whilst wife goes out for the day again. I manage 20 minutes maximum to myself and have taken to pretending to read on the bed to get some time alone. I must have been desperate I had one orgasm today...

Last night I had an hour and a half of mind blowing orgasms. I'm feeling totally energised, turned on and ready for more. My wife is going out all day, my children should be at school and I was looking forward to spending a day on my own for the first time in months. My eldest daughter has a fever so she's staying off school and I have to look after her all day. So much for a day of orgasmic...

After my excellent Peridise experience at work, I was hoping for some advancement with my Progasm. But I had a pretty uneventful bedtime session (2+ hours) following steps that had been fairly successful previously. The next night, I opted for the Peridise and experienced another unrewarding session. I was going to lay off for awhile, but I couldn't resist trying another work session with the Peridise and had only limited response from my body. Disappointed to say the least! ...

Yesterday was a bit mind blowing. I think it was, after my wedding day, and the day each of my children was born, the best day of my life. I feel like a different person today, much more patient and calm. Today feels very calm, I even feel a bit low, but it see it as another stage in the process that I am going through and I feel it rather than try to understand it. I found memories of being some...

Woke early and had a good orgasm. I'm sure it was going to be a big one, but my wife suddenly woke up as I was going into it and got out of bed, which slightly threw me and I lost concentration but it was still good. I was sitting listening to some music before having a shower, I find Angels and Airwaves )probably not everyone's cup of tea( very uplifting and quite 'spiritual'. I listened to one of my favourite...

I'm meditating regularly. Yesterday I was circulating energy into my sacrum and up my spine, I suddenly got an immense surge in my lower back during the day, I thought at last the real Kundalini is on its way, and was able to meditate immediately and I concentrated on the feeling. It became very powerful but nothing broke through. I really think that I have to be careful. My theory is that my original experience was forced in that I pushed...

Hello my fine gentlemen. I write this still with a smile on my face from last nights session. So In a previous blog I wrote I was doing the 21 day challenge of not having a wet orgasm. I have doe it before but with a few years of prostate play under my belt I wanted to see how different not coming for a long period of time would effect me. It was hard trust me it was hard but...

I took Linghaman's advise and ordered a Peridise. It arrived at work this morning (plain box). I made a quick visit to the men's room, lubricated the Peridise, and went back to work (desk jockey). Although it took a few hours, the waves started happening without any effort on my part. The last two hours of work have been terrific. Luckily I have a office because there have been periods where moaning has been required. More later...

Well, I can now get into an orgasm again at will. I seem to be getting closer to having a SuperO again, it felt as if I was almost having one last time but I still don't think it really was. I can't stop lying there analysing as I orgasm so once I stop doing that it will probably happen. All the Kundalini awakening stuff seems to have stopped now and I feel rather back to normal. I'm not sure if...

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