• I felt every drop

    Hello my fine gentlemen. I write this still with a smile on my face from last nights session. So In a previous blog I wrote I was doing the 21 day challenge of not having a wet orgasm. I have doe it before but with a few years of prostate play under my belt I wanted to see how different not coming for a long period of time would effect me. It was hard trust me it was hard but yesterday was today was date between me and my glorious hard rigid penis to finally have the big bang of a orgasm.
    It all started by me coming to the site ust to relax with my aneros brothers. I got into the chat and saw all of my old buddies i started here with IE Brine DJblackknight & the teacher Runel. Even a few new guys that I have been seeing recent was even there too. We were all just chatting when someone brought up who will be riding tonight. It was 11 pm then. So we all join in and said we were. So instantly we all just pulled out our toys and began to ride. I actually had to clean out so it took me a few minutes to get started but when I did It felt amazing. Maybe it was cause I was so at the edge that my prostate was just ready to finally push me over to cum or was it riding imaginary with my brothers.
    So I usually just lay on my back to get things start but since I was still chatting with my bro's I inserted my toy and just sat down on like If I was at work. So as i'm kegeling and grinding on it i get these fast mini o's. I mean no later then 3 minutes into the ride i am feeling convulsions and my stomach is trembling and my legs begin to shake. Soft moans began to open my mouth and I can feel the first orgasm building. I just lean back and let the toy take me. Oh it did. I felt my nipples get hard and my dick hard too. Stiff as a board trying to poke through my boxer hole. As I'm moaning and grinding i see my brothers in the chat feeling the same emotions and I have had cyber sex sex before but we were in a aneros orgy without even being near each other ad it was hot.
    So i feel another orgasm rising up from within me and i can feel its a big one. I had to grip the bed sheets. My back was arched and my eyes were rolling in the back of m head. It felt like I was light headed but still aware of everything that was going on. I had lost complete control of my body and the Ice was the master and leader and I was under his control. I felt the pre cum just poring out on to my leg, underwear and seeping through the bed spread. As I come back to earth from my utopia ride of bliss I see that most of the guys chatting have left to finish there rides solo. I said my good byes and ended my chat too.
    So i pushed my computer to the side ad got in my bed and pulled out my coconut oil and lubed up my not at this time jumpy semi erect penis for the explosion of a life time. I laid flat down and just began to masturbate and continue to feel the amazing emotions and erotic thoughts that filled my head as I rode. I thought about a hot older ma with a shaft as big as my arm just thrusting his hard meat into my ass. As that image popped in my head I went bonkers. My legs went into the air the progasm ice went in deeper and my left head went to my right nipple. with all my hot spots being stimulated all at the same time I lost it. I was shaking and gyrating and calling out to the orgasmic gods thanking them for this amazing moment that was not worthy of. When I got to my peak of orgasm I began to cry. Not ust a sling tear a full out tantrum as I'm having a beautiful orgasm. I feel the tears just rush down as I'm pouring out pre cum an jacking off like Im churning butter. I feel it I feel it go deeper baby is all i could must up til boom. A fountain of my love juices came shouting out. Bucket after bucket of cum. I had cu on my face, my hair a puddle of was in my naval.
    After my blissful state subsided I began to cry again. I could not believe that I experience such a amazing thing. I was able to grasp it all by self with no help. Just me, my penis and my progasm ice. I eventually caled down and too a shower and changed the bed spread cause it was soaked. I just went to sleep so peacefully. Even though the challenge was difficult at times I still got through it. See aneros isnt just a sex thing it can really put things in perspective about so many things going on in your life. It clears your mind and it makes you feel great.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/13/2015at2:23 pm


    • Avatar for jt-69


      06/21/2016at5:35 pm

      A beautiful description. Thank you so much for sharing ;O)

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