Everything going well. No wild swings in horniness, energy, or mood. I did have some sessions this week, and other than that one I mentioned in my last update on Monday where I was soft and things just weren't working, things have been great. My cock is super sensitive, so when I play with someone they just need to touch me very lightly to get me rock hard and orgasming. Also best to keep the touch to the...

Feeling so much better (less horny) today. Yesterday, most of the day was still feeling in that hyper sexual / hyper horny state. I had a session in the afternoon for about 2.5 hours, then decided to stop cause of timing of other things I had to do. Interestingly, the guy im seeing right now came over and started initiating sex. I got rock hard really fast, and then soft really fast. He was teasing me and...

So it's been pretty smooth sailing from about Days 0 to 12 or 13 of this attempt. I felt almost the same as I did the whole time on attempt #4. Something changed on the weekend. I had sex Saturday afternoon, and energy level cooled after a few minutes when we stopped. That was normal (and something I thought i learned during SR, because I used to think Id be frustrated all day, but ive always felt like...

Yesterday I had one of those sessions I can describe as the best aneros sessions I can get (at least right now). It isn't mind blowing but it's really good, I hope in the future it gets better and better, but specially faster to reach the good part. I've already talked about really low sexual desire. Maybe that's one of the main problems I have: get things started. I can feel the aneros touching my prostate from minute 1, some years ago I...

After day 40 showed up with a second time of leaking semen, I decided to clean the pipes. Yesterday evening having some time for myself I lay down on bed and surrendered to Aless. From the first second wonderful strong involuntaries struck me and initiated an horny autofuck mode with multiple orgasms for more than an hour, leading towards two nice super-Os bathing myself heckling, squiggling, moaning, thrusting and twitching in pure bliss. Though leaking lots of precum I felt...

Something's Happening In a recent post from a forum's member, @rumel suggested​ the use of a tennis ball to massage the member's perineum and I thought it might be a good time to try it. First, a bit about my status; I started Anerosing in Jan of 2016 thus achieving great health improvement on my prostate while enjoying the many great sensations and feelings but still short of the 'Big' one and even Dry-Os. I consider myself to finally be 'Aneros Mentally...

Only one thing to mention as a new experience on day 37. After urinating and milking the shaft from the very bottom to get rid of maybe some last drops of urine, instead some semen appeared, only two drops, but obviously neither urine nor precum. Concurrently the urge to ejaculate felt nearly irresistable. Nevertheless somehow I could calm down, although I had to manage some fearful minutes at the office awaiting a sudden embarassing ejaculation every second. Snowed under with work...

The last 10 days have been pretty uneventful. I can't say I feel significantly different anywhere along the way from Day 0 of this attempt to today, Day 10. Last night (Tuesday night) had a good session for about 90 min by myself. I was using the Venus 2000 machine again, but since it seems to overstimulate me (2 of my 4 failed attempts were because of that machine!), I tried using it wearing a condom. That worked...

After I got home from class i had a while before i had to go to work. So I sled in my progasam for a few hours to see if i could get anywhere. After the usual tingles after a couple of hours i am happy to report i had a reaction that was comparable to a standard orgasm(for the first time) . After that i finished off the session with a standard ejection (which was a bit weak still...

I woke up Saturday knowing my progasm was almost here. The tracking order placed it arriving sometime before 8 pm but I figured it would arrive early like other orders I placed have. An hour after I woke up my mom shouted the fed ex driver was here. I had told her beforehand that my friend was having a computer part shipped to our house because someone stole the last package off his door step (true). Luckily my mom went...

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