In the week, I had three excellent sessions but the last one had a bit of a twist. Thursday morning, half an hour before my better half went out for grocery shopping, I prepped and inserted my Maximus, strolled around and even went into my wood shop enjoying the feeling of my prostate being rubbed back and forth.  When she departed, I got myself comfortable on the couch and enjoyed the great feelings the Max gave me. Friday evening, I had a...

Hi guys, I had four sessions this week, all very good. My session for Monday October 9, Columbus Day, I have already recounted. In that session, I used my full complement of Aneros model, which I call my Aneros "Full Court Press": Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, and Prograsm (either ICE or Classic). Tuesday and Thursday, I just used Helix Classic, MGX, and ICE. This morning once again I used my Aneros "Full Court Press." There is a temptation to have an Aneros session every...

Hi guys, Late this morning towards the noon hour, @Turnrow referred me to the delights of penis sensitivity for most boys in their hormonally laden puberty and adolescence. That was a highly evocative statement for me. Like most boys, when I entered puberty, I noticed my genitals enlarging along with growth spurts in my body and my first sprouting of my pubic hair. I noticed also delicious erections in my penis that wouldn't quit. But what did it for me was seeing...

Answering a recent post on the forum it came to my mind to share my morning routine in my blog, too. Perhaps one or the other would like to try my Qi Gong exercises, I fill up my body and soul energy with every morning. I learned them from a Qi Gong Master some years ago, but I forgot its name. It consists of five active parts followed by two very short meditations. 0) Stand upright, legs a little more than...

Hi guys, I had two very powerful and sweet Aneros sessions yesterday morning and this morning. I used my Aneros Full Court Press in the following order of Aneros models: Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. This is a minor rearrangement which seems to work better than previously. Helix Classic slips in easily and "hooks" around my prostate which prepares me better for the more rugged action of MGX. I have come to value very much how so well...

Hey guys, don't miss to experience how hot cold water can be. Since I continued my Qi Gong morning routine in spite of that cold breeze from the open window coming with the end of summer, ending it with a rock-hard boner, I tried some wetting of my nipples using the coldest water I could get from the faucet. Touching my nipples with my cold fingers was another big turn-on. So I tried putting my wet hand on my chest...

Hi guys, Since my last recorded blog entry of my session on early Labor Day morning, I have used my five favorite Aneros models of Eupho Classic, MGX, Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic or ICE. I call them my Aneros Full Court Press because I take advantage of each of the individual qualities of stimulation in my sessions. I generally have three or four sessions a week, almost away in the early morning of Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. They generally...

My Aneros and Aless continue to evolve in my world of bliss. The more I progress in my journey, the more I understand my body and the pleasures it's capable of giving me. Thank you Aneros. This Summer, I did a lot of driving and I developed a Kegel exercise workout that helped me in my progress. I will post the details as soon as I have the time to write it....

Have been having a few more experimental sessions with the vibrating beads and tonight I managed to find the best position to use the vibrator,on my back with with knees bent but legs spread and a cushion under my bottom and with 2 beads inserted and the third just outside my sphincter and fourth and battery pack outside I found this was the right counter balance weight to start the contractions the vibrator sent on slowest speed got me...

Hi everyone. This is a blog I guess! I've been a member on this site for 9 years and an aneros 'rider' for almost 12. I don't post much on the forum, but I do chat...

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