• Improvements

    My Aneros and Aless continue to evolve in my world of bliss. The more I progress in my journey, the more I understand my body and the pleasures it’s capable of giving me. Thank you Aneros.
    This Summer, I did a lot of driving and I developed a Kegel exercise workout that helped me in my progress. I will post the details as soon as I have the time to write it.


    • Avatar for Turnrow


      09/25/2017at8:29 pm

      Bro, I am waiting on your findings. Anything that can help me move the rewiring along is appreciated.

    • Avatar for GGringo


      09/26/2017at2:11 pm

      @Turnrow I posted my entry
      It’s also important to have a positive and confident state of mind when going into your sessions. This subject is not discussed enough but it really works wonders.
      Good luck and good vibes to you. Let me know if it works.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      09/27/2017at1:52 pm

      @GGringo, you are going to experience more and more the wonderful synergy of your Kegel exercise regimen and your Aneros sessions and times of Aless. You will derive sexual pleasure, power, and bliss from all this which will transform your life! Cheers!

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