Hi guys, I am sorry that I have been so scarce lately. My Aneros sessions have been so amazing in recent weeks that I have a scarcity of words to describe them. I cannot analyze them in detail. Also the weather has been so rotten with two weeks of very high humidity, days of rain and hardly any sun. Fortunately overnight June 3/4 the persistent weather system bringing such misery exited our area. This morning we have brilliant sunshine and low...

In the last few weeks I have been trying something new: alternating kegels and reverse kegels. I had never heard of reverse kegels until reading the forum posts. Reverse kegels are done by relaxing or almost stretching the PC muscles. I get the sensation that the pelvic region is "yawning" and enlarging during a reverse kegel. I have used this technique mostly during A-less sessions and the results have been excellent. I begin with a moderate kegel...

Hi @alll, Aneros and Aless have become part of every day life. Don't want to bore anyone with repetitions. That's why I didn't add a post lately. I only can recommend, stick to it, it's so worth it. Have fun! SO...

Im turning 30 in four months an I so intubed with my sexual apetite that the simplest thing can get me going an I can ride it til the sun comes up. I feel like my prostate has grown the size of a watermellon. A simple tap with a toy sends me into a shaking blissful orgasmic ride that I never want yo get off. My prostate, my heart an my brain are so intuned that even my a-less sessions...

I have been enduring a forced break from any Aneros or associated activity for a couple of weeks now. Some house renovations have been ongoing, none of it smoothly. I don’t get too stressed but find I have been just too preoccupied and distracted to contemplate any sessions. On top of this, I caught some kind of a flu bug that took me down for a few days. All of this has just kind of completely blocked any...

Last night, I had my third session in as many days and this time, my body suggested the MGX for the occasion.  My mind originally wanted the Eupho Syn but I've learned a long time ago that the best results are usually attained when the prostate kisses and rubs with the tool choice it whispers to me.  Last night was no exception to the rule. For whatever reason, once in my session, I did not concentrate on the prostate, I was...

Hi guys, Getting my very first BIKE CUP Supporter unit, no. 85 at that sporting goods store on Thursday April 10, 1986 was an event that changed my life. I believe that it was one of the best products that the BIKE Athletic Company manufactured for support, protection, and comfort for athletes competing in contact sports, such as baseball. I ordered actually a lot more of this protect for my burgeoning jock and cup collection for the two or three years...

Now I’m not complaining, far from it. Don’t get me wrong, enjoying almost constant sexual energy and rampant levels of arousal are just the ticket and I can’t believe my luck. But I do find it just ever so slightly distracting. I am carrying out my daily routine of prescribed exercise for an annoying sciatic problem and find myself unable to continue when a series of mini O’s launch themselves upon me until I end up laughing at the absurdity...

Hi guys, I wore a BIKE CUP Supporter unit, no. 85, men's medium, to bed last night just after 10 p.m., my usual bedtime. Summertime weather is making its gradual appearance here. It was 92 on Thursday, low 80's yesterday, and today it is supposed to be 93 for a high. However last night, I slept with the A/C turned off and the windows slightly open. I woke up at 2 a.m. this morning feeling slightly sweaty wearing my BIKE CUP...

Recent happenings: What I wrote on Saturday April 28. "I am now in day 22 of my second SR challenge. A couple days ago in the early hours of Thursday morning. I may have experienced a wet dream. The most wonderful thing about semen retention. which could be part of the discipline of chastity or even sexual continence, is for experienced Anerosers that it increases most delicious sensations in a guy's anal tract, even his seminal tract. "That is what I felt early...

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