This is going to be the documentation of a new chapter in my sexuality. How I got here can be found in this thread on the forum. I got time today to try out my new pleasure tools. I have purchased both the helix & mgx just to have variety. I woke up early (5:30) before she did, was excited for my first attempt. prepped the mgx first as it looked smaller in size even though I have read it...

Been fighting something since Thursday. Sore throat, a little weak and some mild sinus stuff. Hadn't been feeling aroused at all during this time. Woke up this morning feeling a little better and new I'd have some space this afternoon. Started playing with my nipples through the morning and got wound up pretty good. Even had a few Aless mini'O's. Did this all morning. This afternoon, when I got my space, I started out with the Progasm lying on my chest,...

So I came in from lunch and as I was returning all my family were leaving to go shopping. Wife was already at work and had already completed her midday home trip. It was just me...

Hi guys, It has been absolutely idyllic here at my apartment building during the long Thanksgiving weekend which began in earnest Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m. when staff ceased their work day early and left for their Thanksgiving celebrations. So did many of the residents also, most exiting the city for families and friends so far away. One thing I did notice is that Christmas shopping season starting early last Wednesday. I heard on the news that many Americans are splurging showing...

So Thanksgiving had one negative effect. It made my digestive system very gassy. Therefore when I laid down to try and get some relief at 1am this morning I didnt realize the frustration my food choices would have put me through. For the next three hours every time I would get to the point of cascading into an dry orgasm or a Super-O...

So. For Context my journey began in April 2018. 6 months I felt I had made progress with the Aneros line. On October 20th I started reading Mantak Chia's The MultiOrgasmic Man. I practiced all of his teachings...

There is another level. I feel very close to it but cannot quite hit it. Having more full body O's rather than just the groin / prostate centered ones. I think this is what the new round of trembling is building to. Things just felt awesome tonight. Took about ten minutes for the fun to start. It ebbed and flowed all session. When it ebbs I get up, take a pee break, then get back to it. This is usually...

Hi guys, According to our Aneros glossary in our Wiki, "butt buzz is persistent, even insistent energy in your anus, rectum, prostate, perineum, scrotum/testicles area, sometimes experienced spontaneously apart from an Aneros session. Faint to mild muscle spasms leading to an orgasm my occur." I'll add that this sweet energy is also localized in the root of my penis. Also in recent weeks, I have had butt buzz abundantly in times of my Aless. Butt buzz (at least recently) like Aless has...

In a recent post I asked about people’s favourite model and which one they simply couldn’t part with. I mentioned that there were a couple that I hadn’t particularly hit it off with. One of these is, or as I should say now, was my MGX Trident. It has lain in my box among the others with only a couple of outings since I bought it. As I was looking at it a few days ago I began to compare...

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