This morning I got to dry Os back to back again but had only two or three in a row and then something much bigger. Just before the end of the build up of orgasm my whole body tensed up real tight. I felt like I was going to pop big time! and then I had a almighty dry ejaculation feeling. I have had this once before but not as powerful. My poor dick was swollen purple and the force of the ejaculation...

Hi guys, I decided after last Saturday afternoon's session to take a break of two days. Last Sunday there was church and a holiday luncheon which I attended afterward. I also had several conversations on Sunday which caused me to do much thinking. As some of you know, I also live in Washington, DC, USA, our national capital. Like many Americans, and as one recently "retired," my attention these days has been fixed worryingly upon the budget negotiations between our...

Hi guys, I had two Aneros sessions, one this past Wednesday morning December 5 and one yesterday morning Friday morning, December 7. Plus I threw in a Saturday matinee for December 8. Legend of models used: HS = Helix Syn; HC = Helix Classic; M = Maximus; PI = Progasm Ice; PC = Progasm Classic. Wednesday morning's session only lasted two hours. It seemed mediocre compared to most of my sessions. I had much on my mind then with a volunteer session starting...

Hi guys, This past Monday, December 3, I began my sixth month of my Aneros sessions. It has been an amazing journey. Not only have I progressed from the Aneros Syn, through the Maximus and Progasm Ice, and arrived at using the Progasm Classic, but in recent weeks, these hot guys have introduced me as well to the Eupho, MGX, and Aneros Classic models as well. They are a great team to work with and I just love how these hot...

Last nights session was really good! New sensations. I listened to Llewellyn - Reiki Gold massage / meditation while having my session. This is for relaxation and it worked. I felt like I was floating at one point and then the dry O zone came. I managed to have multiple back to back dry Os I only started counting part way through but from when I started counting I had 7 sets of 10 back to back dry Os. The ones before I started where smaller sets...

Ok so since my last blog I had one session with both helix and eupho which was very average but I did still have the new nipple stimulation feeling happening. But.. Last night I gave it a rest. Foot note:I went to the toilet twice and was empty. The body had other ideas and it was bloody 2:30am before I managed to get to sleep. dry O after dry O it was great, I loved it but at the same time getting on my...

<from: > Hello to all of you. During my past post on my thread, started 2 years ago, I told you that during all of those years nothing important happend during the use of my SGX till last week when I reach some interesting goals. But something more happend during this weekend: something incredible and unexpected of course. Last Monday I decided to wait for a while to use my device and I scheduled the session during Friday night. I went to sleep...

During last nights session I had very obvious p-waves for the first time along with some other new sensations, particularly in the lower part of my stomach. Throughout today I've frequently felt similar sensations, but without the aneros. They're a lot more subtle but they're still bringing me some pleasure! My toes have curled a few times. I also have that butterfly feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it occasionally works its way up my body, or appears in other...

Well before I start I will say I dont condone the use of any drug for pleasure as it maybe great but the side affects could mean your life. I have never smoked, taken drugs of any type but have had my teenage years blurred a little by alcohol on occasion. So I am not a expert and I suppose a bit of a square I had a accident over twelve month ago and ended up in casualty. I had surgery and plates and...

I've not had chance to have a session recently, and this has given me a bit of time to think about my previous sessions. I've come to the conclusion that I'm not relaxed enough during sessions, and that there's too much going on inside my head. I've been reading the forums a lot lately, especially some of the older posts. I saw one thread in which a poster was talking about using Kelly Howell's 'Ecstasy' recording during their session and they...

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