• Something new, incredible and unexpected

    <from: https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/14446/something-new-incredible-and-unexpected-#Item_1 >
    Hello to all of you.
    During my past post on my thread, started 2 years ago, I told you that during all of those years nothing important happend during the use of my SGX till last week when I reach some interesting goals.
    But something more happend during this weekend: something incredible and unexpected of course.
    Last Monday I decided to wait for a while to use my device and I scheduled the session during Friday night. I went to sleep and I inserted the SGX. I feel pretty good and I focused on every sensation it gave to me and came from my body: a lot of wave pleasure from my pelvic area, involuntary smooth anal contraction.
    I slept a while and when I woke up I felt distinctly my prostate throb and at the same time a heat wave was spreading on my belly. I checked my dick because I thought I had come in the meantime: he was relaxed and just a little wet.
    After a couple of hours I started to feel my anus a while tired and keep aneros was not comfortable, so I decided to finish that so nice session.
    The next day, after having breakfast with my wife who is not aware of this thing, we went back to bed and we started kissing, touching and after we stripped naked we started to make love.
    I had never felt the feelings so sweet and so intimate with her, I do not know what you call "rewire" I have to some extent influenced, but it is certain that we both lost all sense of time.
    Our bodies seemed to merge and I began to feel the same feeling of the night before, without my Aneros inserted: I have lost all sense of penetration that I had with her and I started to feel the growth of an orgasm inside me, which expanded by base of the penis along the back, to radiate to the neck and then down again to the chest and belly, cyclically.
    I stopped moving over her and I began to feel distinctly the beat of my heart suddenly accelerate. She asked me if everything was okay and I started to explain what was happening to me and it was just incredible and powerful.
    While continuing to hold my dick inside her, I had my first dry orgasm of my life. She wanted to make sure I had not come so I pulled out and was swollen and dry: she smiled happily and without problems we continued.
    I began to move very slowly and begins to feel the classic sensations but at some point everything started over again, louder and more distinct than before.
    My wife asked me again if everything was okay and I told her It was happening again and was much stronger. Somehow she felt this thing also internally to herself as she told me to stop moving and let me go.
    My body began to gently shake and my breath began to grow. I arched my back and I raised my head until I was literally swamped by a series of waves of pleasure: So I had another Orgasm!
    After that, my wife asked me to put a condom on my dick: it was dry. He probably thought that by now I was really near to come and she was ready, too. We made ​​love like never before. Maybe it was the first time so intimate, so intense, so deep. And in the end we had together an intense orgasm, this time I came. We had tears in our eyes and we were exhausted but extremely satisfied. Looked at the clock: more than two hours had passed.
    Now I will wait a few days before using aneros again. The wait has certainly increased the sensitivity and feelings and the next time I go I will leave even more, trying not to force any contraction but to let them gettheir own.
    I hope in your comments.

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