• Going All the Way with the Progasm: Sessions for December 5, 7, & 8

    Hi guys,
    I had two Aneros sessions, one this past Wednesday morning December 5 and one yesterday morning Friday morning, December 7. Plus I threw in a Saturday matinee for December 8.
    Legend of models used: HS = Helix Syn; HC = Helix Classic; M = Maximus; PI = Progasm Ice; PC = Progasm Classic.
    Wednesday morning's session only lasted two hours. It seemed mediocre compared to most of my sessions. I had much on my mind then with a volunteer session starting in ten o'clock that morning. I didn't fix in my mind the sequence of models I used. I do remember that I started off with the Progasm Ice. I should have Kegeled with that model in a more concerted manner. Since I didn't, there were a general lack of sensation or even massage action with the Progasm Ice. I may have worked with both the Maximus and Helix Classic. The Helix Classic worked well with me and produced lots of pleasure. I know I ended my session with the Progasm Classic, perhaps even the Ice and Progasm Classic in combination. That was then when the old passion came back.
    I didn't have much of a chance to savor an Aneros afterglow. I was involved in volunteer library activities much of Wednesday, followed by a dinner and an evening Advent service following. I returned home exhausted and promptly went to bed just after 10 p.m.
    When I woke up refreshed Thursday morning, I awoke to my prostate awakened and revved up, quivering and fluttering with pleasure. Thursday was cold and sunny, but I just wore a tweed jacket over an Under Armour long-sleeve cold gear shirt and a pair of jeans. I sat at my PC in this outfit for a good two hours before I went out late morning to run some errands. I decided to indulge my awakened and purring prostate in some concerted Kegels lasting a minute a piece in duration. It felt just wonderful to feel the pleasure build in such Kegels in very much same way as I do concerted Kegels with both the Progasm Ice and Progasm Classic. The wonderful thing about the Kegel Exercises is that you can do them almost everywhere without being noticed. I had a long errand to do later Thursday which entailed a metrobus journey. Just love doing the Kegels on both buses and subways here in DC.
    Yesterday morning Friday I really went all the way with the Progasm. Sequence of models used: PI-PC-HC-PI-PC. My session began at 6:45 a.m. and ended at 10 a.m. Sustained Kegels with both the Ice and Progasm Classic fueled perhaps one of the best Aneros sessions I have had so far. All I can say is that I just love the sleek action of the Progasm Ice and the more heavy duty autof**king of the Progasm Classic. All I know is that these two big guys are my main men in Anerosing. If I were pressed to choose between the two, I would say that the Progasm Classic is on top with the Progasm Ice close behind. Likewise, I also find it difficult to choose between the Helix Syn, Helix Classic, and Maximus models as well. Each one strokes me in a special way, although I must say that I just love the aggressive autof**k action of the Helix Classic, how he loves me up in the same way as both Progasm Ice and Classic.
    Finally all my good Aneros buddies on my team are teaching me to Aneros these days in ways unimaginable when I began my sessions last June. I just love having the pleasure build in various ways over and over again in a session. Yesterday I was taken on some wild rides by my three buddies. Just thinking about all this makes me horny and randy, especially as I Kegel away in the composition of this post.
    In a little while, I'll go out to breakfast perhaps at my favorite coffeehouse and do some grocery shopping. But later today I hope to have my Aneros Saturday matinee with these guys who make me so hot! Take care.
    P.S. I am composing this addendum early Tuesday afternoon to say that I had a three hour Saturday matinee with my Helix Classic, Maximus and both Progasm models. I Kegeled aggressively with both the Progasm and Ice but somehow I could not get the traction with both models. I suppose that my anal canal was really loosened up from the exceptionally good time I had with these big guys the day before Friday morning. During my Saturday matinee, my Maximus worked well with me. But it seems that the Helix Classic gave me the best performance in the few weeks I have worked with him. Now about an hour later about 6:30 p.m. a delayed reaction of P-waves occurred along my back. This has happened several times recently. I guess you would call this a "backgasm." My backgasm tired me out. I laid down on my futon and fell into a deep sleep about two hours. Perhaps this is just another manifestation of rewiring. What do you think? Take care!

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