Hey all, I have been MIA for a while. My partner and I have been very busy lately, but that does not mean I have stopped my journey. I have had some great sessions in the past month, and just have been too busy to log on or log about it. But tonight, I had some time, and got a really different and fun session in. I was coming home from the store, and the boyfriend was working. I had things to...

i've been quiet it my blog lately, but in my house i've been blissfully silently screaming in pleasure. i've become totally enamored with my prostate and all the lust it fills me with when i use my Aneros boys. i've had day after day of sublime bliss, riding the erotic waves that flow from my hole throughout my entire body. i used to focus on bating my beautiful cock, but he gets tons of pleasure from my Aneros boys just...

Session 1's big milestone was getting the Progasm in. Session 2's big milestone was understanding that a Super-T doesn't work on its own. Session 3's big milestone was feeling my prostate finally wake up. Session 4, however, was the biggest milestone yet. I got my first contractions and my first P-waves. The most important thing I learned was the difference between all the muscles going on in my pelvis. The contraction section of the wiki should be required reading that comes with the device....

Let's start with the bio. I'm a 29 year old male. When I was younger, I purchased a Fleshlight. The site I bought it from was also selling the Aneros. At the time, I thought it wasn't for me. Over time, the Fleshlight helped me learn enough tantric control to get a full-body orgasm from my girlfriend's handjobs. Seeing as how that's amazing, but requires her to be around, I figured it's time to get something I can do solo. I've actually known...

Over the past 10 days or so, I have had so new experiences that make me think I've made it past the "Newbie" stage. A week ago, Saturday night, I took to my rooftop deck to watch the Perseid meteor shower, realizing that the chances of a clear, hazeless sky were nil, but hoping nonetheless. So it wouldn't be a total loss, I went up with my Helix in and lay on a lounge chair. This was a good...

I'm different. I can feel and people are now starting to notice. The smile has gotten wider. I have a extra spring in my step. I am just filled with extra joy. I have a ora around me that is shining bright and is blinding everyone I come in contact with. My phoenix has spread his wings and emerged into everyday life and is here to stay. My old life is calling back to me but I'm so far gone...

TL;DR: * Tingles of pleasure in anus for first time. * Genuinely felt the Aneros. * Prostate engorging in sensation. * Strong p-waves. * Refractory period: sad, tense and desperate. Maybe part of the fun in these sessions is never quite knowing what to expect? I anticipated a mediocre time, but it was quite an experience. My mind wasn't feeling up for it that night but my body said so otherwise. I've partly forgotten part of what the whole thing felt like, as I usually write these...

So its day two and I am still dry. Well I'm pre cumming right now from the a-less session I'm having but I have not had a wet orgasm in two days. But last night was so hard. I mean really I was so damn hard. I started my session at 10 p.m.. and was sleeping with my helix syn. Now when I build up to the orgasm im soft but then when I'm at the top I begin to...

Hey guys. Have been gone for a minute but I only like to report new things that happen to me in my journey. So here we go. So I have been having some great sessions. Some long and some short but last night was clearly by far the best to date. So I cleaned out and lubed up. I noticed that I am started to instantly get waves from instant insert. I'm laying on my stomach as I'm reading blogs...

So I've yet to achieve more mini-O's since the last two times. But I can tell based on the sensations I felt when I did get them that I was close several times throughout several sessions. And it's been surprisingly difficult to not put effort and expectation into achieving them. Only because I know that I can do this now. But at least the sessions are still enjoyable and pleasurable. Just not orgasmic-ally pleasurable. I'll keep grinding away at it!...

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