(Please read first: Torn between two dominas (Part I - Shibby)) Since Shibby took over command I had to accept that she rules my sex life. Even going to work by car I listened to her voice and have had chairgasms all the way. I can't suggest to copy this doing because it is dangerous and not only fun. Too many distractions interrupt upcoming sexual feelings and spoil the party. I had to get some special space and time for a more...

Late this (last sunday) morning at the end of a session that drenched me into sweat my semen retention day counter was reset to zero. It was an Aless session, though. In addition it remained somehow Pless (prostate not taking an active part). I would call it a Mindgasm or a Hypnogasm, but let us start from the beginning. Blame it to @goldenboy, sorry, buddy, that is not meant as a complaint, I am rewired to binaurals and especially erotic hypno(sis)...

Hi guys, I am typing the blog entry in the 7 o'clock hour on Thanksgiving morning, 1.5 hours since the conclusion of my session which concluded at 6 a.m. Last night before going to bed around 11 p.m., I glanced at @Goldenboy's blog entry of a sexual session he had with an athletic cup. I think his session was a combination of his Aless with masturbation. I woke up around 3 a.m. and listened to both the BBC and an evangelical radio station...

Hi guys, We had bitterly cold and blustery weather Sunday and Monday this week, so I did have a session yesterday morning. Unfortunately Sunday morning at church I found myself having very unpleasant, political conversations which upset me. It had to the with the incoming Trump/Pence administration. Not only was it bitterly cold with winds howling outside, I was so agitated that I got only 2-3 hours sleep late Sunday/early Monday. I arose at my usual hour just before dawn yesterday morning...

This is delayed blog entry.  It refers to something I did last Thursday.  On Thursdays, my wife goes to town for groceries and errands leaving me all to myself at home.  While she is gone, I usually get on the couch and enjoy an hour-long Aless while listening to binaural.  Last week, I decided to be bold, I insert my Helix Syn and headed to my woodshop for an active standing/walking first part of a session.  This was about 45 minutes...

Hi guys, After you start experiencing Super-O's and MMO's, your body and psyche develops a hunger for the Aneros. It could be Aneros horniness. Just about every session is good, and many are superb. After most sessions, you enter Aless which is exquisite, sweet, and powerful which preps you for the next session. Such has been my experience in recent months and certainly after that landmark session on September 14. Such was my intention yesterday morning when I prepped my usual models...

As I noted in my last post, I ordered the Peridise, and it arrived. I very briefly took it for a spin (the larger of the set that is) earlier in the week, but today (Saturday) was my first chance to give it an extended try. It was an interesting change of pace. I started out lying on my side, just letting everythign settle in. After a while I tried some anal contractions. After my experiences with the Helix, it did...

Hi guys, I have never experienced anal intercourse. It is in many ways the quintessential sexual activity among gay men. But I am sure that the bisexual and even many straight men enjoy it too. I've heard that if done properly and with right intention it produces a "connection" out of this world for men! However, in the real world of HIV/AIDS and other STD's, fucking among men without protection is very risky. I just wonder if an Aneros autofuck rivals or is...

WAS THAT ME? I'm still struck by the noises right out of my mouth. Never listened to such ecstatic cries mixed with laughter, moaning and sobbing, especially not from me. This afternoon was a great step forward on my journey. I learned a lot about my nipples and how to trigger them. Re-wiring has installed solid connections between them and my prostate. It's awesome how little a touch [Uh, chairgasm coming up, yessss! It seems to become usual that writing...

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