Last few days was feeling really good. Great mood, good energy, not sexually frustrated. Felt excited about sex a lot during the day, looking forward to sessions that would be coming up. Also during sessions last few days felt like I had a lot more control and easy to know where to stop stimulation to cock and avoid the point of no return. Failed last night during playtime. Too much muscular tension I think while playing and triggered the ejaculation reflex. Stopped...

With out getting into much detail, due to a family medical issue i had to relocate for a couple of months and did not and could not use my aneros. It has been over 3 months since my last session. since i got back there is always someone home at my house at all times and I have no privacy or time to have a session. I could not take it any longer today. There was someone in the house...

No significant changes to the way I feel over the last couple days, so just some observations of things I notice. Still have a really hard time getting sex off my mind, been like that a few days. When I start fantasizing about something in my head, I get really excited and get almost like a slight anxious feeling or jittery. Noticed during some sexual contact with partner (just playing with my cock a bit while we were cuddling on sofa)...

Woke up this morning and feel pretty confident, bit more energetic. Easily turned on, was hard to ignore my morning erection - but I did and got myself to the gym and work. Last night was having a session with Aneros Eupho, Pro Jr, and Pro Ice (in that order). I think I was just a bit tired. After being horny all day and having sex on my mind almost constantly yesterday, I thought I'd have an amazing...

It's probably been a few years since I went this long without ejaculating, and the first time able to have MMO sessions I've not ejaculated this long (was re wired about 1.5 years ago). Noticed yesterday that I generally just felt like I was in a better mood, and a little bit more energetic during the day. I didn't feel especially horny or frustrated during the day, but also felt like I could turn myself on easily with thoughts or...

Today is Day 9, so beat my previous best attempt of 8 days. I haven't really had any big spikes in sexual energy or frustration the last two days. On Saturday (Day 7) I had three sessions (had a few small breaks) and was edging and orgasming for several hours. Was very tempted to ejaculate during the session, but had good discipline and control and didn't. I felt very frustrated at times during my sessions. On Saturday...

The biggest change I'm noticing today is I can go from uninterested in sex to completely turned on and rock hard to uninterested and soft in like 2 minutes. I've had 4 different sessions today and it's only 2:30pm. I'm gonna go on to other things now, but I feel so much energy in my groin area right now, and fullness. Even though I'm soft and now not aroused. But I get myself aroused and hard...

Made it through Day 5! I ended up having a long session last night - started with about 90 min of sex, then about 60 min solo session just stroking myself. I felt like I was "pretty close" almost the whole time during intercourse, which lasted about 45-60 min. Had to go slow a lot, and for some minutes just stayed completely still - even that was enough to have me orgasm a lot. I did get a...

Was feeling pretty average last night, not a depleted feeling of sexual energy, but not reved up either. I was walking home from gym in evening and thought about having sex later that evening, but couldn't decide if i was really in the mood for it. Also, I didn't really want to risk cumming and thought I'd just be safer if I was by myself. Decided to wait till weekend to have sex and did a solo...

I'm still surprised at the drop in libido since starting SR. When I was ejaculating every 2 or 3 days, I almost always felt horny and ready to go within about 12-24 hours after I ejaculated (eg. with my 1st attempt, i was really horny by day 3 and thought it was torture...

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