Hi guys, For many months now, we have been regaled by @goldenboy's prolific blogs entries on Aneros, sex, jocks and cups, erotic dreams and waking fantasies, semen retention (SR), and male chastity which he lives out by wearing a jock and cup to bed. He calls athletic cups, "chastity" cups, a concept I find intriguing. I have been pondering and reflecting on male chastity for many months now. It seems that there are least two types of male chastity: (1) religious or...

Hi guys, I didn't have any Aneros sessions during our cold snap last Thursday through last Sunday. A polar air mass came barreling through. It felt like the dead of winter, not like the seasonable autumn warmth, Washington DC is known for. Early Monday morning just before sunrise, I used Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, and Progasm ICE. This session was a long, leisurely session which lasted about 1.25 hours during which I used the Tug-of-War technique of each of these models. I...

Well my sessions don't improve, and worse than that it's so incredibly rare to have a good session. And when things are interesting 95% of the time I end up having a HFWO. In fact I feel this is related to my premature ejaculation. And that's like 90% of my depressed mood, it's just so frustrating and aneros ends up being just another colateral damage. This affects me so much I'm gonna post another message here I wrote in another forum, as...

I have seen a lot of post about is dildo the next step after aneros or does anal play make me gay? Those are questions that you must find the answer to within yourself. But as a openly gay male I will give you my in tell on how the two aneros or real thing are totally different. Firstly when I got introduced to aneros I was already sexually active. I've had a few boyfriends and sex toys but this experience...

Still here and still enjoying the rides but no super O as of yet. However, I decided to stop the porn and switched to Binaural Beats for HFO via youtube. Its great audio and really is just enough to keep the mind focused and not distracted- and I find myself keeping the intensity dialled into the audio with great effect. I’ve also stopped the left side position and am now on my back, large rolled towel under my hips and knees slightly...

This blog entry is more for my future reference than anything else. Sometime in the future, I will be revisiting these notes and reminiscing on my journey's progress. Today, I must note how pleasurable my Aless sessions have become. It seems everyday (at least twice a day), my Aless sessions escalate to a new level sending me in total bliss but still without orgasms. I'm not shooting for an orgasm (no pun intended) but I do look forward...

I have always wanted to travel on an overnight sleeper train but hadn’t had the opportunity until now. Here is my experience with aless on the train. The sleeper cabin was warm and comfortable and I had it to myself for 12 hours. After dinner and a bottle of wine in the buffet car, I settled down for the night. The rolling stock was old and noisy compared to more modern trains so I used my noise cancelling headphones to suppress...

I have been in this prostate journey for some years now an it's crazy that my body still finds ways to sexually surprise me. I like to make far in-between journey entrys to really show I'm being authentic. So I have a few toys but it has come to my attention that my A-less sessions be the most exciting as of late. Just now I'm laying here righting this spent an still gasping for air. I decided to read a...

My last Aneros session was last Saturday evening; it was great as they all are for me. I was looking forward to my planned session for last night. My Helix Syn was ready and so was I. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my plans as my wife and I sat down to watch Trump' speech in South Correa. The speech went beyond the time I planned to start my session. Interestingly enough, I woke up this morning with...

Hi guys, Early Sunday morning yesterday Daylight Saving Time ended and Standard Time began. We gained an extra hour sleep. However, I awoke at 2 a.m. and then hopped on the Net for thirty minutes at 3 a.m. Then I went back to bed and slept to 5 a.m. which is my usual time on Sundays to get myself ready for church. This spring/fall time adjustment twice a year always disrupts my circadian rhythm. Last night I went to bed a little...

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