• Dildo vs Aneros

    I have seen a lot of post about is dildo the next step after aneros or does anal play make me gay? Those are questions that you must find the answer to within yourself. But as a openly gay male I will give you my in tell on how the two aneros or real thing are totally different.
    Firstly when I got introduced to aneros I was already sexually active. I’ve had a few boyfriends and sex toys but this experience was different. For me when i placed the lubed up Helix Syn in it just rested in my hole. It just sat there. I had done my research prior but was still confused. As a few minutes passed it began to stir in me. It got my insides all fluttery. No man or toy has ever made me feel this way. With a dildo I just get cleaned out an probe my hole til I reach my sexual peak an then I orgasm. With aneros it is a slower steady pace build up to the orgasm. With a dildo I can control how it goes in an how far I want it to be in me. With aneros it is a designed size to just reach. Short and simple straight to the point.
    So for me there really is no comparing the two an there actions are so different one wot lead you to the other. With me being rewired I havent really had a physical partner in months. As long as I can get my prostate tapped I’m good. So do I think aneros will lead to pegging or reaching for the real think i highly doubt it. But if you would like to just be as careful as you would be with any sexual activity. Always have fun an be great an get that O.

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