I used to brush off that abstinence does not affect the quality/pleasure of my prostate play at all. My mood was the main factor. But recently i discovered that I was wrong. If I tried to have an aneros session or any prostate massage session with my wife on the day that I had a normal orgasm, the quality of the session will go down the drain. It feels empty and i could not have any super-O, or even had...

Phew, theres so much that has happened but I'll try to summarise the points. So recently my sessions have been exceptional, easily hitting 10 orgasms in each session. One thing I notice is that prostate orgasms can vary alot from mild pulses to really strong distinct PC contractions. Also, the amount of conscious contraction may hinder the orgasm. There was this point I had a prostate O fr 20 secs and it kept going. The pelvic floor started to really...

This afternoon I leaned forward on my hands positioned on the bathroom sink and focused on my perineum while reading a post of @WhoWouldHaveKnown about focusing on that spot. Standing on one foot I let my other leg sway and be subconsciously steered by some upcoming involuntaries, that caused some nice p-waves. Seemed like my subconsciousness just took the chance to massage my gland that way. Letting go some more consciously uncontrolled movements of my hips, pelvis and legs proved,...

Started out with usual routine prep time, with a little extra bit of flex training to try and tire out the muscles beforehand. They were definitely a bit fatigued when starting up with the Peridise. It went in smoothly up to the last nub again, which rested half in and half out, like previous times. Once I had stopped conscious contractions of my anal muscles, there were a few bouts of involuntary ones, and some interesting movements. However, in this round...

Spent about 30 minutes in a-less land last night 2/19. I went to bed fully intending to go to sleep but decided to do some deep massage, got some wonderful sensations. Moved on to massaging my frenulum and those sensations dropped straight into my prostate, was on the verge of a dry-o that never came but felt wonderful. rolled over onto my left side and locked my feet like doing a session when all hell broke loose. Waves of pleasure...

A tingling in my groin woke me. It was pitch black in the room and I had no idea what time it was. I was lying on my back, legs together and very quickly, I started to feel waves of pleasure come over me as my prostate came fully awake. I am now starting to understand the different feelings I get. There is the intense feeling right in my perineum; a diffuse warm feeling in my pelvis; a warm intense glow throughout...

As the postman was kind enough to deliver the new Eupho and Maximus, it would have been rude of me not to try them immediately. I didn't have much time, but wanted to get a feel for how each behaved. I opted for the Eupho first. Much slimmer than the Helix and a slightly different angle. I popped it in and lay down on the sofa and just started reading some news. Well wow!!! After about a minute, I suddenly felt...

Started out with warm, relax, flex, lube as usual. My anus was really enjoying my finger being in there for lubing purposes, so the Peridise went in smoothly. Stayed on my back a little while, doing deep breathing techniques and some gentle anal flexing to get the device into place. Again, it got up to the last bulb, half in and half out of my anus. Decided to keep it there, but did a few more extra gentle contractions while...

Been a bit since last entry. So a few weeks ago I had a strange session where I got super bad heart burn, long of the short is ended up 'pushing the energy down' (see post "first time for everything") once I did that the heart burn went away like it didn't exist but along with it any sensations in every session after. So I put things away for a bit and went back old school. Without getting into great...

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