As Spring came on this year my wife was required to be away from home for a few weeks. We hate to be apart, and I dreaded it. But I also know that I make my best progress with Aneros play when I have privacy. For me, knowing that there is no one around gives me the freedom to really shout and moan and reach further into my fantasies, to say what I want from my imaginary lover. Several things really...

Hi guys, After my session late Monday afternoon two days ago, during which I finally got the hang of using the Maximus, I was so excited and rearing to go when I got up this morning. The Aneros Wiki suggests that we time our sessions two full days apart as a minimum. But this morning just after 7 a.m. after a good night's rest and then after shaving and bathing, I hungered for a session. I then discovered that early mornings...

I have been writing several installments to this blog which provides some of my history. But now, I want to jump into the present. Today, my wife had a job interview. I wished her love and luck and she was on her way, and I decided to have a short Aneros-less session, using iDoser. I set up a 15-minute dose of "Green". It was our first cold morning of the year today, and I was already wearing a super lightweight silk...

As the dry orgasms got more familiar, I developed the ability to relax more during them, and thus to focus on the sensations. Then I began to be able to distinguish more nuances within the feeling. What initially I felt as a rather blunt pleasure became more and more exquisite as I was able to feel as different kinds of contractions in different specific areas. Now I believe that there are pleasures happening almost everywhere in my body -- in my...

After receiving my MGX in September 2011, I began doing regular sessions, twice a week, of about 20-30 minutes each. Initially, I found the feelings uncomfortable. The fullness was unfamiliar to me, and I had a few cramps. It was very difficult for me to get comfortable, to relax. But I did press on, convinced there was something to the concept of separating ejaculation and orgasm, but also in part because I believed it to be good for my prostate. As...

Hi guys, About three days ago, I had a long overdue Aneros session on September 15, early Saturday evening to be precise. The session before that was on August 28, nearly two and a half weeks ago. So Saturday evening's session was in a sense a reintroduction to the Aneros. Once again I used the Maximus and Helix Syn models. Once again I had some trouble with the Maximus slipping out through peristalsis, but I am slowly getting used to the...

I'm just finishing my first year with Aneros toys and other dry- and multiple-orgasm explorations, and what a fabulous year it's been. I started as a complete skeptic at age 54. Now I'm more than just a believer. I now have access to so much pleasure, so much enjoyment, and a whole new frame of mind. I've learned much about how my mind works in the process. I think it is fair to say that I have had great success...

TL;DR: * Bland session. * Some P-Waves here and there. * 40 minutes of no nipple stimulation, didn't change much. * Still no sensations from anus/prostate. * Possible p-tab problems. * Shaking is nice but doesn't add to anything. * P-Waves when staying completely static. * Need to concentrate the mind on more specific feelings for longer. Yesterday I finally moved into my new place for my final year of University. Before venturing off to do so, I decided to give another session a go in the morning. Switched from...

I've used the Aneros for what seems like just over a year now. Often using it would be in spurts, then I'd go off it for a month or two. Recently, I've abstained from masturbation and sex for over two weeks. My sexual senses are at a refreshing high - feelin' pretty good, particularly for pleasurable anticipation. Naturally I decided to dive into the Aneros because of the sexual drive pumping around. Found that in the morning, usually before 11:00am, morning glory...

Another day, another birthday and another session --- each a gift, a blessing to cherish in this journey of life! It is now afternoon; and, as I sit in my chair typing, the fullness of my prostate radiates warmth and delight upwards and throughout my scrotum, balls and cock --- the afterglow of my synthro session this early morning. It was early as I lay spreaad-eagle and nude in my bed with the peacefull coolness of a new Maine day...

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