Hi guys, I am composing this blog entry Christmas morning just after sunrise. I woke up this morning just after 3 a.m. and listened to the radio for about an hour. Then slept for an hour and listened to news headlines before getting up to hop on the Net. Finally I shaved and bathed at around 7 a.m. Now fully dressed, I am going out to take a short walk around my neighborhood. But before that, I would like to...

Last night my helix aneros session was different from the start. As soon as I inserted miss helix she started massaging but the difference was the intensity and positiveness of her strokes. The strokes did not wain when I got erections as they did in the past. The pleasure was emence and I enjoyed it for 2 hours. I then decided at 1:30am that I would sleep with her. I had coated her with Vaseline and shot 5 ml of waterbase lube two hours ago...

Hello, all. Back again with another update. Once again, nothing major to report. I figured this last session was worth noting because it is the most "rewired" I have ever felt. Usually, my sessions have a flow to them where some points I feel great sensations but minutes later it is lost and I'm back to square one. Today, however, the sensations were constantly in a "forward" direction. I distinctly felt pleasure in just about every movement the progasm made...

TL;DR: * Warmth/tingling in abdomen. (Including outside of sessions) * Waves of pleasure breezing over. * Short on breath - quick, aroused breathing. * Didn't need nipple stimulation. My previous posts were overly negative, but as the title suggests - something has changed, and for the better. ---REWIND---- I had a session last week, feeling aroused after abstaining from masturbation. To my dismay, nothing really happened. Maybe just bad luck or did I forget something? Couple of days back, I tried again, this time really working on the...

Well after a nice chrismas lunch and a sleep I watched tv and then it was time for bed again. Early night and in with miss eupho. I have to admit I was not realy ready for bed but the wife wanted to sleep so I had no choice as she sleeps in the lounge area where the tv is. While watching reruns of StarTrek on the laptop the eupho massaged me quite vigorously. So much so that when it was time to...

I decided to take a break from Anerosing a few weeks ago, due to the fact that I didn't really feel like using the Aneros and mainly due to the fact there'd be no time for any sessions in the run up to Christmas. Over the past week or so I've been getting little feelings and twitches in my perineum but I've tried my best to ignore them as I'd only be torturing myself! On Christmas Eve I was laying...

Hi guys, I have been having a terrible time with Internet connectivity with my ISP ever since last Thursday. I haven't had this problem since August a year ago at least. Tech support at RCN, my provider, was able to resolve the problem of difficulties dialing up to RCN and sudden connection drops. Today was especially troublesome. So at the suggestion of RCN tech support, I contacted Verizon, my phone provider this afternoon. A capable lady representative at Verizon hopes one...

Quick progress. I am a novice,or newbie as you call them, of just three weeks.I bought a Helix Syn and used that for half a dozen sessions. I must state here that if it had not been for the Aneros web site with its Wiki section and all the user comments etc I would almost certainly have put the Syn aside and felt I had completely wasted my money. My gratitude to all who have built a support and information infrastucture...

Ok so if you have been following my blog lately you would know My helix has been working well but the eupho has been almost doing nothing for me. Last night I decided to sleep with miss eupho all night. Now I cant remember how good a session I had before I went to sleep but I suspect it was below average because I cant remember.Asleep by 1:30am ish. Woke at 3am. I was not feeling sleepy either? The eupho was feeling numb. Not...

Going to try and keep this short and sweet, since I'm rather busy this week, which is why I missed my Wednesday update. Second week of Peridise "training" down, and I must say I'm really enjoying the stimulation and toning of these little devices. I find myself really pushing myself with Kegels, and am motivated to try holding for longer and longer periods. My contractions are no longer a consistent strength/pressure, and I find myself testing out different levels to determine...

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