• A Vital Connection: Christmas Eve a.m. Session, 2012

    Hi guys,
    I am composing this blog entry Christmas morning just after sunrise. I woke up this morning just after 3 a.m. and listened to the radio for about an hour. Then slept for an hour and listened to news headlines before getting up to hop on the Net. Finally I shaved and bathed at around 7 a.m. Now fully dressed, I am going out to take a short walk around my neighborhood. But before that, I would like to say that this morning when I awoke, I had a quivering prostate and a delicious boner. This is one of the fundamental spinoffs of my Anerosing. But more about this later.
    Also I am admiring darwin's photos of male penis in his blog, Cocks for Male Pussy. Darwin is a long-time regular on Aneros Forum. This morning I am wearing my Nutty Buddy Cup package underneath my jeans and am Kegeling away. It feels so damn good!
    8:30 a.m. Just got in from my Christmas morning constitutional about my neighborhood. So wonderful to see Georgetown so quiet on a morning as this. Washington, DC, being a company town of federal workers, generally clears out for the holidays most years.
    Sequence of models used yesterday morning: Progasm Ice (30 minutes) — Progasm Classic (45 minutes) — Helix Syn (30 minutes) — Maximus (45 minutes) — Progasm Ice (30 minutes). Duration: ca. 3 hours
    It is hard to believe that nearly a year ago my first Aneros models arrived. They were the Helix Classic, MGX, and Progasm Classic models. They were of hard, white plastic and looked real intimidating. Then in early April, I ordered the Helix Syn and Maximus, and finally last July I got the Progasm Ice. I didn't know that I could slip them up my anus and so these hot guys sat for weeks unused until I used the Helix Syn for the first time last June 3. Previously I had not engaged in any sort of anal play. So using Helix Syn for the first time last June was a pleasant surprise. But it took me quite a few weeks before my Anerosing became absolutely pleasurable, actually a good two months.
    The Progasm Ice by both his girth and sleekness is a good buddy to begin an Aneros session. He opens me up in a mighty way like he did yesterday. Often I use him to introduce me to his older brother, big, bruiser Progasm Classic with whom now I can work with in BIG MAN fashion often 75 minutes, sometimes a full hour at a stretch. The P and K tabs and the girth of both Progasm models are ideal for Kegeling. A good five to seven 60 second Kegels with models cause the pleasure to build as both models situate themselves against my prostate, thus setting in motion autof**k action. These two big guys are a source of abundant, absolute pleasure for me. They have been mainstays for most of my sessions since early November at least. Also I just love to Get in the Aneros Zone with these two good buddies. Also in recent sessions, I have developed Aneros focus as to how each model massages both my anal musculature and prostate. The Maximus recently has done this for me. Because of this, I have developed also Aneros focus for both Helix Syn and Helix Classic. It is so easy for me to fall into almost a masturbatory trance as I Aneros away reveling in the various strokes, Kegels of various strengths and lengths, and how everything is so interconnected. Again the result of all this is absolute pleasure. Also my Aneros session have enabled me to discover my various erogenous zones, such as my nipples, pecs, abs, navel, and thighs. When I caress these areas of my body, such caressing fuels my Anerosing. I have never known such erotic pleasure ever before in my life, although there were glimpses of such pleasure when I discovered my burgeoning penis and masturbation in the glory years of my pubescence and adolescence!
    Most boys during the glory years of their pubescence and adolescence discover penis focus.They discover that their mantool is the source of sexual pleasure which is tied their developing bodies. Most boys who play sports discover this also in other boys, certainly in locker rooms and showers. Many boys may also focus upon the developing bodies of girls they date. Some boys may focus their attention upon other males. They all discover that we are sexual period.
    Many guys as they become adults may enjoy looking at other guys in the nude with their genitals in full display. Quite a few guys will revel in the various manifestations of the male penis, circumcised and intact, erect and flaccid, along with the male scrotum. A man's penis therefore is an object of great beauty. Some years ago as I reflected on this beauty and what my penis and auxiliary genitals could do for me, I developed my Theory of the Axis of Male Sexual Pleasure.
    Picture in your mind the axis of the male penis. The axis is the shaft of the penis. At the end of this is the glans penis which is visible and at the other end is the prostate which is hidden or invisible. The glans was designed both pleasure and, in its beauty, for sexual signaling. Many guys enjoy stimulating their glans. I certainly do! Many guys through such stimulation will help along their erections. Such stimulation, touching or teasing your glans, may cause you to be so aroused that your glans meatus may begin to ooze your first drops of viscous precum. When that happens, I begin to masturbate in a more determined fashion. So when a guy masturbates, pleasure will originate in his glans, travels down his cockshaft, and ends up in his prostate, from which the pleasure will return to the glans. Thus this sexual pleasure travels in a sense in a circuit, very similar as one finds in an electric circuit. Such pleasure just gets better and better as you jack off. A wonderful spin off in Anerosing is an awakened prostate which is quivering, fluttering, and purring like a revved up V8 engine. I have noticed that my Anerosed, awakened prostate just loves to get into the action while I masturbate my penis. Now I am experiencing perhaps what I may have experienced during my first wet orgasms and my glorious ejaculations of semen!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/30/2012at7:26 pm

      Yes you can definitely feel the prostate doing it thing behind the scene while masturbating. I cant remember feeling this ever before.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      01/02/2013at2:31 pm

      Thank you very much for your comment, braveneworld. My Aneros sessions have given me a more general vitality and good health I haven't experienced in recent years.

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