Hi guys, This blog entry may be peripheral to the Kegel Exercises and the Aneros and Anerosing. But it is central to my sexual development as a male from my pubescent and adolescent years. In one of my recent blog entries, I had spoken in detail of an important event at age eleven when I discovered my dad's jockstrap. I will say once again although briefly that men and boys wore athletic supporters as a matter of course in the 1950's...

Hi guys, I had one of my best Aneros sessions earlier this morning. No Super-O's, but just waves of unbridled pleasure, even an hour after finishing my session! It is a typical winter's morning here in DC in early January, just cold, but with blue skies and brilliant sunshine. Sequence of models used: Maximus -- Progasm Classic -- Helix Syn -- Progasm Ice -- Progasm Classic. Duration: ca 3.5 hours. After hearing news headlines on the radio, I got up, bathed and shaved, and...

Hi guys, We had a gloomy New Year's Day yesterday with gray, dark skies and cold weather. I stayed much of the day here at the apartment in deep reflection as to what 2013 will bring us. Living in Georgetown in Washington, DC, USA as I do, I see close up our federal government in action. I am glad that the U.S. Congress and President Obama has gotten its act together on the budget at least partially and avoided the Fiscal...

An incredible session this afternoon! with enough will I managed two days ago to resist for a day and then looked forward to my reward just before bed. I felt a bit jaded and rather tired and it did cross my mind to leave the session alone but felt I had worked to get space and went on anyway. Needless to say it was not a very productive session. Next day it was a gap day and I found the...

Hello, all. Great news today! I seem to be on a fast track to full rewiring lately! My latest session was my best yet. I tried a different position than usual, laying on my side with both knees up in the fetal position. I just laid like that the whole time and did some light contractions. Before long I was able to concentrate on building the arousal by keeping focused on the sensations. This was nothing new but soon I found...

Hi guys, I didn't have my regularly scheduled session for yesterday, Wednesday December 26, because I had to clean and straighten up my apartment for the exterminator who came by later in the afternoon. It took him only five minutes to make his applications in my kitchen and bathroom. I was relieved when he left speedily afterwards. So it was with great anticipation that I got up early this morning for my session. I began my session at 6:35 and concluded it...

TL;DR: * No feeling or sensation whatsoever. * Mass shaking of the abdomen and other parts. * Serious P-Tab discomfort due to larger prostate swelling. * Super T My arousal perked back up over the last few days. Something I noticed was that my prostate would be distinctly swelling up. Never felt it grow so large before! Maybe that's due in part to being able to sense it now. Due to the bevy of warm, fluttering sensations that happen frequently, I decided to see how things...

Humility should have warned me not to use the above title because the next session was not nearly so productive. Some one said in a blog that it is often two steps forward and one back! Tonight I tried out a new more comfortable douche and used a lube shooter both of which arrived today. I had been pre-lubing with a dropper and realised, by comparison, that it was too small an amount and not inserted far enough to deliver to...

Multiple Orgasmic Man )MOM( - It means so many things, really. When I hear that term, I usually think of having a string of orgasmic pearls; they are on a thread and come along as pulses of bliss. Repeating in rhythm sending me up, and relaxing, sending me up, and relaxing. But today, it took on a different meaning - multiple in variation. This morning, while my wife and I were enjoying the miracle of giving and receiving mutual pleasure, I lost count...

This isn't an entry regarding a session - but more one towards something new I've cottoned onto. My Aneros usage is typically an unstable relationship. After things don't work out with it, I break up. I flake off back to masturbation. "This is pointless, I'll never make progress towards Super-O anyway." Things just peter out with it. But then after a few months apart, masturbating gets tiresome and depressing. Usually, when abstaining for a few days mixed with a burst of confidence...

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