So despite some interesting and new feelings going on with the progasm I stil think that I probably jumped in at the deep end too much. I decided to order a helix instead and try with that instead. It arrived yesterday and the anticipation soon had me tearing the packaging open. My first impressions were that the helix makes the progasm look huge. It is only now that I realise quite how big the progasm is. I slipped the helix...

Hello again! Hi, I'm back after quite a while of not posting. It has been a month since I got my first Super-O's and things haven't gone quite as well as that first time, unfortunately. For some reason I had a masterful touch that first night, I managed to coax several super-o's back to back. I have lost a bit of progress since then, though. For the past month, I can never really count on a session to be successful and if...

The last few days have been a bit of a blur, but they have been profound. My aneros use has bordered on addiction recently in anticipation of my recently ordered Syn. Sessions have varied in length and the models I used in them. However perhaps the biggest revelation was one presented to me by another member, who offered me some valuable insight on just letting my body go during sessions, cannot thank them enough. One notable session was with my helix...

Sprinkles and Tips - sounds like an English dessert, doesn't it? Well, it was a dessert, of sorts. Delicious, decadent, filling, and down right tasty. Sprinkles - My sessions always include a lovely dose of pre-cum. The added frivolity with this session was that in the midst of orgasmic craziness, my flailing penis was lawn sprinkler-esque in its distribution of this lovely fluid. When the Supers hit, I felt droplets landing all over my hyper-sensitive skin. I had to chuckle. Tips - With...

After this session with Alana that ended in the best traditional O i'd had in a long, long time, I was keen to move on. I spent the next few days looking for alternatives to the hypnaerosession and found the I-Doser sexual simulations session. No spoken word here, just chilled out music...

So the blue toy was back in my bag. Waste of money I thought and I left it for a couple of weeks. But somewhere in the back of my mind the thought of this mystical super O was still there. I really wanted it. It was at this point I started delving deep into the Aneros forums and indeed for any new member like myself I can't but recommend reading as much as you can. These forums are simply...

On the exterior I'm straight laced, professional but internally and sexually omg i'm a different person. As a gay guy I love finding new things sexually to explore. Previously I'd soley considered myself a top and any anal play for me just didn't bring any pleasure at all. Maybe I just wan't allowing myself that chance to experience things. Recently I've let myself open up and started playing with regular sex toys and let guys penetrate me. I still didn't...

Finally had the house to myself this afternoon, which meant one thing, a session with my favourite set of toys. After 5 days of abstaining from any sexual activity I was very turned on at the thought of a session. I took advantage of this, getting myself worked up and intensely aroused this morning, looking at erotic images and some of the blogs here. I pre-lubed with Shea butter, put a thin layer of Vaseline on the Helix and...

So as I promised so many people in chat, this is going to be a personal review of the Progasm Jr. I say personal, as I understand that everyone is unique, and each person reacts to particular models differently. As such, I'm starting with the disclaimer that these experiences may or may not apply to anyone else. This was purely my impressions, my feelings, and my sensations from using this devices. First, a material description of the Pro Jr. It...

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