• More Progress

    So despite some interesting and new feelings going on with the progasm I stil think that I probably jumped in at the deep end too much. I decided to order a helix instead and try with that instead. It arrived yesterday and the anticipation soon had me tearing the packaging open. My first impressions were that the helix makes the progasm look huge. It is only now that I realise quite how big the progasm is. I slipped the helix in with ease and it settled in. The thing that i really like about it is that it stays in place. The progasm tended to slip out a bit on me until my canal tightened on it and took grip but there was no such issues with the helix. I started contractions and nothing was really happening compared to the progasm…well I thought that was the case. It seemed to take a lot longer for any feelings to start happening. I was running out of time but there were some slightly different sensations going on compared to the progasm. I left it after a while as I knew my flatmate would return home soon. I was eager to try again soon. Then today I found myself home alone unexpectedly since my work duty was cut short. I lubed up and slipped the helix in. I started contractions just taking my time letting the new toy start to work. Slowy after a while or so, it must have been an hour i felt these rolling contractions start happening through my ass up into my stomach..amazing feelings as they just happened on their own and then i felt an orgasm start building up. I'd never felt this with the progasm. It was like a standard orgasm but I wasn't stimulating my penis and there was no ejaculation. So this thing does actually work! By now i knew i'd made the right choice in getting the helix too. The orgasm was fairly short lived but it was a great feeling. I took a short rest but things were still going on down there and I could feel the helix moving about still. Soon after another orgasm started building but this one was much more powerful. It started around the prostate but this time it radiated upwards through my body. I was blown away and was enjoying the ride. It probably lasted only a minute or so but was like wow. My dick was just flowing with precum. I came down off this O and tried again but I think my time was over and went for a T….gotta say that was also one of the best traditional O's i'd had beating that I had with the progasm. I'd thought I'd had a super O with the progasm but after today's experience I now know I didn't or if I did it was very different. I'm going to enjoy the helix I think.

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