Hi guys, I have suspended for the time being blogging about every Aneros session I have now. Generally now I Aneros first thing in the morning three to four times a week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, or Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I find Saturday morning sessions the best day of the week for me. The rental office is closed Saturday mornings and there is hardly any staff roaming the corridors of our building then. Plus most of my fellow tenants...

Monday morning session, February 11: Necking with my Aneros buddies. Sequence of models used: Progasm Black Ice -- Progasm Classic -- Helix -- Progasm Ice -- Maximus Duration: ca. 2.75 hours. This morning I "necked" with each of my Aneros buddies during much of the session just letting the pleasure build. It felt so nice when the "boiling" centered in my prostate reached critical point when the autof**k action began. It really felt good!!! Thursday morning session, February 14: Quality time with my...

I bet my poor Progasm is wondering what's going on. I haven't touched it since I got the Helix which really does provide a wild ride. Not saying that every session is amazing, as they not all are. For example last night I had a complete dud of a session. I've been ill with flu for the last few days and was on the tail end of it and feeling horny but all I could muster were a few involuntaries,...

I've had to take some time off )again( from using the Aneros due to a hectic University schedule and a severe lack of alone time! Thankfully that's all changed and I'm finding myself with a lot of me time :( This morning I was browsing the forums and I saw this video that somebody had posted. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=7eYaC-S767- I gave it a watch and it made me incredibly aroused. I prepared myself and put in my helix. Ahhh. The subtle involuntary contractions started right away and...

I was working at home yesterday, and getting hassled and stressed, when it hit me – I needed to have an aneros session. I say it hit me, because it did – it was a SUDDEN intense desire, and I knew I had to do it. I was home alone, needed a break from work, and so why not? Of course, having a leg in plaster after a knee operation makes it a bit difficult to get all the...

I have been busy so I am writing about events that took place over a week ago but significant enough to take note of. First off my aneros usage over the last three months has been close to non-existent. Hard to say exactly why but generally a lack of free time during which I am completely alone. The few times I have been completely alone I have opted to play video games, watch shows, or do other...

I'm about to start My new experience with the in aneros and I'm a little nervous does anyone have any comments or tips I can get for a newbie...

Hello again! It has been a while since I last posted but it has been fairly uneventful. I have noticed something strange, though. I seem to be more successful during anerosless sessions rather than normal sessions. I have actually been able to achieve multiple prostate orgasms without the aneros inserted! These orgasms are a bit less intense than ones that the aneros helped make but they are fun none-the-less. I simply begin to clench exercise my pc muscles at any time...

Progasm Junior is the latest new model from Aneros, and I wondered just what Junior might have in store for us. I love my Ice and the knowledge that Junior was also slick acrylic was most encouraging. When I first slipped Junior in with a bit of ID Glide, I felt wonderful and immediately satisfied with the investment!! Over these three introductory sessions several talents have appeared: 1. great auto*F response!!! 2. playful mobility, not up to Eupho levels, butt great added fun! 3....

Hi A very strange session. I started it as usual and I decide to use Rice Oil as internal prelube (instead of Olive Oil), and I found it amazing: it gives a great mobility to the device. On the SGX i used the Shea Butter. I used it also on the external ring of the anus. I was lying on the bed on my back and I completely relaxed. I breathed as usual, trying to never hold my breath during inhale and...

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