• Week of Revival

    I have been busy so I am writing about events that took place over a week ago but significant enough to take note of. First off my aneros usage over the last three months has been close to non-existent. Hard to say exactly why but generally a lack of free time during which I am completely alone. The few times I have been completely alone I have opted to play video games, watch shows, or do other activities. If I did decide to devote time to sexual activities it was either in the traditional manner or experimenting with my new Tantus General Dildo that I got myself for Christmas.
    Last week however the urge sort of came over me and I managed 2 mini sessions while my family was asleep – had to be restrained though, little movement no noise but still quite pleasurable. First with my tempo then with the helix the next day. Small as they were they really got me going and I was very motivated to play more while I had the house to myself for the whole weekend. By the time Friday came I have been "conserving" for about a week and a half – I decided to warm up with my Progasm for thirty minutes and then play with my Tantus General.
    —A little bit about my Tantus General. Like I said I got it months ago and have been experimenting with it whenever I got the chance. Finally as of last week I think I got to exactly where I wanted to be with it. It was certainly a challenge, the thing is huuuugee! Requires patience and stretching, but it is exactly what I wanted out of a dildo: girth for the stretch and length to thrust, the curve is very nice too for prostate contact.—
    SO. That session with the General was the best yet! I started extremely slow )even warming up with the progasm it took a lot of work to loosen myself up( and let it sit and wiggle before I began any actual thrusting. After having completely accommodated to the dildo laying on my back, I decided to try a way of riding that I thought of prior to the session. I bundled up my blankets and pillows and put a plastic bag on the top )to take care of lubricant leakage( then thrust my hips while holding it at the base with one hand. It worked WONDERS. Just what I have been craving for a long time. After thirty or so minutes of playing like that I decided to have a break.
    The afterglow was just soooo good the whole day. Later at night I decided to have a nice long session with my Progasm. Wow, I went on for about two and a half hours and it was just pure bliss. It was the calm type of orgasms, not much bodily movement but I could just feel the intensity of the constant stroking on my sensitive prostate. After months of inactivity, to come back with something so powerful was just phenomenal.
    For the rest of the weekend I had another nice session with my General, another with the Progasm, and another with the Helix. All were calm yet intense, very pleasurable. After holding so long and being subjected to such stimulation my penis had been in a constant state of hypersensitivity all weekend long. It was as if it were one with my prostate, just one sensitive pleasure radiating system. On Monday I decided to release with a mind blowing traditional orgasm.
    And there it is. I don't know why I was so lazy about engaging myself in a session for so long, I guess it's just harder when you live with the family. But I'll once again be on the lookout for any chance I get :D. Also if anyone has any tips or tricks, nice positioning or whatnot for dildo play, i'd welcome the info. I enjoy my Tantus General just about as much as my aneros toys. I can see how men who started out with dildo play in the past can have explosive results when they first begin the aneros.

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