• Update

    I bet my poor Progasm is wondering what's going on. I haven't touched it since I got the Helix which really does provide a wild ride. Not saying that every session is amazing, as they not all are. For example last night I had a complete dud of a session. I've been ill with flu for the last few days and was on the tail end of it and feeling horny but all I could muster were a few involuntaries, so I gave it, took it out and went to sleep. I have had some mind blowing orgasms though with it. I'm not getting any of this body shaking stuff but as it has been said on here everyone is different. Maybe it will come one day, not that it really worries me given the sensations and feelings I get from rolling continual orgasms. I look forwards to when i'm fully over my flu so I can have a proper focussed session again.

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