In all my blog writing and my memoir - novel I have referred to my rewiring many many times. I would have to say that rewiring is without a doubt the most transformative thing that has happened to me in my adult life. I had heard guys talk about it in the Aneros Forum when I first joined this site 8 years ago, but I didn’t really comprehend what it would mean for me when it happened to me. The...

I've been collecting the aneros tools regularly now and have loved the nuances of each. Doublea70 had recommended the Maximus to me because of his experience with it and I want to thank him for it. I started as usual showering, douching, and I choose Vaseline and EVOO for lube, inserted and began to relax. Maximus doesn't move as much as the others but it encourages your sphincter to stimulate him. He in turn rewards you for that attention. Early on...

Last night I rode Eupho Syn again, I rested from my Aneros friends for a few days. I'm really liking my Eupho he consistently hits my prostate early in each session. He just like is described dances inside you. I am refreshed this morning ready to start the day anew after a session of silky shivers that radiated through my body from my toes through my loins to my mind. Thanks again to the designers of Eupho Syn....

I'd heard a little about Eupho Syn that intrigued me. Aneros description has a reference about awe inspiring prostate stimulation. I agree. Last night I logged on to chat and began a conversation with Newguy8. Our back and forth heighted my anticipation of what to look for even though I'm pretty experienced right now. So I let our chat stimulate me mentally. I inserted, he instructed, and between me knowing a few tricks and him painting pictures Eupho took control...

I haven't forgotten the blog! I've been pretty busy at work so my pleasure time is very limited. I'm still doing the normal manual workout - DON'T PANIC! We still need smiles and warm fluids flowing to keep the body happy! )That goes for you too ladies!( I think moving forward with the blog I will "skip" the sessions that are unchanged for now. I don't want this to feel blurred together with something overly...

So last night I once again experienced a couple of mini-O's. They were very mild compared to previous ones. But they felt more energetic in the sense of I could feel the energy moving up my torso. And less of a release than ejaculatory orgasms give, and prior more intense mini-O's had. Looking back at my previous entries, it seems like it was somewhat similar to what I had back in August. What I found interesting is this time it...

The entire time I've been active I've always had a bit of a kinky side that likes to peek out from time to time. I work some 40 miles from my home and ride a commuter vanpool. Now, last night I had a first run with my Helix Syn and liked its feel. So, I wondered what would the ride of a van with a 'stiff' suspension and 'hard' tires do for me. I left him in and quickly noticed the...

I awoke early this morning wondering how Peridise would change my world. Although, he didn't move things like my other Aneros on this first run, I'm impressed. The compact size allows you to walk around easily and no one is the wiser he is there tickling your insides. Sitting in a chair is not bad, much less noticeable than my MGX or Progasm. I spent my time with him contracting my sphincter and moving about as I walked today. Peridise flowed...

The day after Thanksgiving, the tumult had died down and all was quiet. I slept deeply and quietly that night, slowly walking through hallways of erotic fantasies in my dreams. I walked naked and aroused down hazy corridors past lurid scenarios of naked men and women, all calling to me to join them in dances of lustful erotic gratification . Those fantasies inspired an unusually needy erection at 4 AM. As the ache of desire lapped at my...

I started last night with my mainstay, Progasm. He did what I always like at first filling me up and then bumping and grinding as time goes by. After about three hours of fun I thought to switch it up a bit so, I did a mini cleanse and added a bit of Shea butter to the mix. Now the MGX, my first. After awhile of gentle treatment he lured me to sleep. Sometime later, subconsciously I hear someone gently moaning,...

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