• Lets talk about the Maximus

    I've been collecting the aneros tools regularly now and have loved the nuances of each. Doublea70 had recommended the Maximus to me because of his experience with it and I want to thank him for it.
    I started as usual showering, douching, and I choose Vaseline and EVOO for lube, inserted and began to relax. Maximus doesn't move as much as the others but it encourages your sphincter to stimulate him. He in turn rewards you for that attention. Early on in the session my cock sprung to attention and moved with the maximus. The more I worked him the more he worked me. The sensation is different as he slides over my p-spot, he's much subtler, no less pleasurable, he's really a new treat.
    His girth and length make it feel as if Maximus is a top and I am his bottom. Maximus picked up on my love for being a bottom and has spoiled me. Even as I sit here and blog our bond continues. I tend to react with precum when stimulated by a top … my pubic hair is wet and the precum is still running down my legs. Compared to my Progasm, Maximus feels like he fills me more even though progasm has a bit more girth.
    I think I'm going to set up a set of labels noting the characteristics of each and maybe assign a 'day of the week', or if 'my mood is such', or if 'an event happened' that day so, they will be the perfect end that day. Yes I love my Maximus too.

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