• Eupho Syn came yesterday

    I'd heard a little about Eupho Syn that intrigued me. Aneros description has a reference about awe inspiring prostate stimulation. I agree. Last night I logged on to chat and began a conversation with Newguy8. Our back and forth heighted my anticipation of what to look for even though I'm pretty experienced right now. So I let our chat stimulate me mentally. I inserted, he instructed, and between me knowing a few tricks and him painting pictures Eupho took control from the moment he touched me.
    My experience shows when an Aneros takes control let it, so I let him go for it with abandon. It was as if a freight train was driving Eupho. I did my best to analyze and note what was happening when I did something but, my body sensed how to handle him. What a ride.
    My prostate was moving and moving me literally. My secretions reacted and coated everything including me. P-waves hit and I built to a crescendo that was difficult to control, but why control it. The whole conversation/session lasted no more than 30 minutes or so but, it ended with an extremely wet O.
    The dance Anesos mentions the Eupho is capable of happens. Eupho has won a high standing in my collection. Eupho and I didn't part ways though, I cleaned up and re-lubed with Shea Butter and we settled in for the night. He let me rest during most of the evening with a gentle feather duster touching of my prostate from time to time during the evening. Slight to moderate tickles now and again. I awoke this morning actually refreshed and super charged for today. Thanks again Newguy8 for the encouragement and thanks Aneros for creating my new friend Eupho Syn.

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