Hello all. I know, I know. I bet your seeing this like where the hell have you been. In advance I'm sorry for the disappearing acts. But with work and not getting much down time I haven't been able to get that alone time to ride or come to the site. But I have been stealing moments away to get a quick session in. Like the one I'm gonna tell right now. So get your towels ready and get the...

Since my last blog post, I've had 3 more Aneros sessions. The first two were somewhat disappointing, but ended up providing me with valuable lessons that will help me going forward. The 3rd session, well...

Several friends on the site have been asking me about the status of my erotic novel. It is basically done. I am trying to work up the courage to e publish it. Yesterday in chat several friends asked me for a sneak preview. That being said here is an excerpt. This is a letter from a female lover to the main character describing a fantasy that she has about him as she is masturbating. They have...

After taking a day off yesterday, decided to give the Vice a go today. After the usual warmups, I started with the vibrator off for about 30 min. Tried various levels of contractions and some nice feelings. Even got some P-Waves going, which is unusual with the Vice sans vibrator. After 30 min, turned the vibrator on to Light-Steady. In previous sessions, Light-Steady felt pretty good, but I always seemed to be just at the...

I didn't get much sleep last night )see previous blob entry( as I had to wake up earlier to take care of some items. By the time I was done, it was 11:00am and I was pretty tired. I needed to take a nap and decided to take one of my Aneros friends with me. I figured the Helix Syn would be the more comfortable of the two I own, so that's the one I chose. ...

I had 2 hours to kill before I had to perform some late night work. Didn't want to take a nap and feel groggy while working, so decided on an Aneros session. The last few sessions were with the Helix, so I figured I would go with the Vice this time. After the usual breathing and warmup exercises, I kept the vibrator off and played around with various levels of contractions. Some nice feelings and some...

Took an awfully long time to get going today. Did the usual breathing/warmups, but really wasn't feeling anything. Tried different strength contractions and even tried re-inserting the Helix to see if that would help. It took about 45 min before I starting feeling anything pleasurable. After that, things were much better. Starting getting P-Waves, as strong as previous sessions, but not as often. I again starting with small, baseline contractions and moved onto progressively stronger...

Gave the Helix Syn another whirl today. I was in no rush, so I knew I had as much time as I needed/wanted. Usual breathing exercises and warmups. Started with a low-level )baseline( contraction & I immediately felt a tingle. Slowing increased the pressure of the contraction in increments until I stopped feeling something or fatigue set in. Did this several times. Felt one moderate strength orgasm )strongest one I've had without a vibrator(...

Hi guys, The Aneros, as you know, was invented to promote good prostate health in men. Along with this benefit, it was discovered among many Aneros users that the Aneros has sexual benefits as well, such as Super-O's, MMO's, and sustained sexual energy of continuous P-waves which is also known as Aneros-lessness or Aless outside of actual Aneros sessions. Many guys report that achieve a continuous, sustained Aless which is always there. I am one of those guys. It has gotten to the...

My Helix Syn arrived today. I wasn't intending to use it today, but I got home earlier that I had anticipated )and didn't have to be in work the next morning until later on(, so I figured I had some time to give it a quick run. So much for making plans. My first impression is that the Helix was considerably smaller than I had anticipated. I was concerned I wouldn't feel much, especially compared to the much...

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