Hello Guys, well i`ve had my MGX for about 2 years now and after the odd session here and there I am only now able to feel the deep pleasure that prostate stimulation can give to us men...

Okay WOW. as i posted on the forum I recently read again the multi orgasmic man, actually its the first time that I read it after starting using the aneros. I decided to start edging again and this time it seems that I really got the hang of it and i found myself edging 2-3 times a day for three days straight. On the third day I had an unplanned opportunity for a session and boy, I sure as hell needed this session. I...

I thought I would share some more of my experiences thus far. I have found the Wiki referred throughout this site, an extremely helpful guide and I would not have discovered this amazing wealth of pleasure without it, or the many posts on this site. Although I have always enjoyed the pleasures of shoving things up my bum, I did not really know how deep the pleasure could go. I used to masturbate while objects were there. I knew there was...

I can only write a quick blog this morning as I'm pressed for time. I had a session Wednesday night and tried a different internal lube (inspired by @BigGlansDC).  I injected 3/4 of a cc of Pure Virgin Olive Oil instead of my regular water-based liquid lube.  I lubed up my Helix-Syn as usual with water-based jell and went to work.  I should say, the tool went to work almost immediately.  This thing was floating and providing sensations I never experienced...

Early on the journey to achieving Super-Os it's very important to understand the concept of Aneros-driven "Natural Movement." Massages can be given in a variety of ways but what's common to every kind of massage is the repetitive cycle of pressure and release. One needs both for pleasure, tension release, and muscle relaxation, and in the case of the prostate, stimulation. Prostate massage is no different - a prostate massager needs to be able to firmly apply and...

We here embarked yesterday on yet another heatwave which should break next Friday. Arrgh! I woke up early this morning and listened to some radio programs on my walkman radio. I listen to this small radio on very low volume without disturbing neighboring apartments. I was a wearing a BIKE no. 10 men's medium jock and produced a cozy feeling by some some Kegels. Slowly a hankering for a Friday morning session developed. Since there was little worth listening on NPR news...

I feel like a wet noodle while I am writing this. I can honestly say I just had my first MMO session. Three to be exact. First one was very mild dry O contractions, Second one more intense, leg trembling strong dry O contractions full erection. Third one i was all over the place rocking back and forth started as dry O finished wet O. The session started out slow thought it was going to be a dud, but...

Hi guys, Like I said in yesterday's blog post, I engaged with my Aless along with several sets of Kegels that felt more and more pleasurable as I continued to do them, along with sheer sexual power. This happened on a city bus on a way for business that I would hope would continue for much of the day, but didn't. So I arrived back home before 10 a.m. and sat immobilized at my PC dazed just thinking what happened on...

Having accepted the theory of evolution (anyone who hasn't should at least try reading Darwin's book), I'd like someone to answer me this, in evolutionary terms: - Why is prostate massage so fucking wonderful? For hours on end, with the Aneros in the end, the pleasure continues, like no other. Is this a vestige of the genes that make the female organism? - If so, is the anersos orgasm anything like the female orgasm? (Try setting up an experiment ot provde that...

Hi guys, Last night we had a low of 64 here, so different from weeks of heat and humidity, when we have lows in the 70's even low 80's in high summer here. So I slept reasonably last night, but even if these days the sun rises at 6:30 a.m., I get up early because I live the life of a disciplined retired scholar/librarian. I decided to have a session this morning because early tomorrow Wednesday I appointment away from the apartment....

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