Hi guys, My Aless in the hours following my breakthroughs in achieving Super-O's and MMO's with Maximus and Progasm Classic continued strong with many peaks and valleys of intense, erotic sweetness. What impressed me most is that my Aless was transformed. It is now effortless and seems to float. There is greater elasticity from my perineum through my manhole and the musculature surrounding my prostate which vibrates and pulsates with pleasure! I think also that my PC is especially elastic, yet...

According to the Glossary on the Wiki site, ALESS means Aneros Less. or without an Aneros. Last night I went to bed and I didn't insert my favourite Progasm toy. For those who are following my progress, I have been sleeping with my Progasm inserted and last week I awoke in the middle of the night and had my first MMO experience. Well, last night I awoke at about 4am and felt the warm P waves building, I lay there enjoying the...

Good day all Ive been using my HELIX for over 2 years now Ive yet to have a HFO, Hands free orgasm I seem to get a very small amount of leakage and numerous intense DRY ANAL/PROSTATE spasms, but no HFO i am alone all weekend until Monday night and was hoping to engage someone either in person or via chat, txt vid etc to help me learn what I am doing wrong Please let me know if anyone is willing to help me achieve...

Hi guys, Early this morning I believe I had a session in which I achieving some major breakthroughs! Achieving Super-O's and MMO's with Maximus and Progasm Classic! And also being able to replicate all this in Aless! As I said in my previous blog entry, yesterday's weather was blah with overcast skies with a touch of autumn in the air. I cold front passed through around midnight Thursday which cleared the record setting heat and humidity of the day before. Yesterday we...

Hi guys, The splendid, late summer weather with its cool breezes, low humidity, and brilliant sunshine made me pleasantly tired last night. So I went to bed promptly at 10 p.m., my usual bedtime, and didn't have my session as planned. I laid out my Aneros tools for the session: MGX and Helix Classic. I slept reasonably well last night. With summer heatwaves exiting, lower autumn temps will arrive in the coming days, along with the low humidity. But we do have...

In the last several weeks, I have noticed a reduction in my Aneros and Aless session's progress. In fact, my Aless sessions were no longer giving me noticeable results to the point where I almost gave up on them. I was no longer waking up to a 'horny' erection and my A-sessions had plateaued. The only progress I was making was in my edging activities; I was edging at least once a day, sometimes more. My progress...

So my 11 days of edging and not cumming has ended. I had one of the most pleasurable orgasms to date. I had some slow music playing. I was but naked spread out with the evening sun gazing at my edger wanting body. I had a towel beneath me and my toys ad oil on deck. I slide my helix in with ease an then I put on a cock ring on my already stick throbbing cock. I had just...

For the last two weeks, I have been away from my Aneros toys but I practiced Kegels and edging every day.  I was looking forward to reunite with my Helix Syn and Progasm Ice.  Last night, after my wife went upstairs to bed, I lubed up the P-Ice and laid down for a much anticipated session. The session was not a great one but provided me with some good feeling which it always does.  I was looking for more so after...

Hi guys, For a real long time, like the last one or two years, whenever I have strong, profound Aless, it is pulsating Aless. It is very sweet, yet powerful Aless. This happens when I focus my attention upon the seat of my manhood. Now the seat of my manhood, I believe, is centered in my prostate. My Aneros sessions have indicated and verified that one dynamic truth. Yes, I have a penis and a pair of testicles, but the seat of...

It's been a while since I posted my updates, Since buying my Progasm a month ago, I have hardly put the thing down. It feels amazing and my progress towards Super O were well on their way. About every week I was reaching a new Milestone - involuntary contractions, pushing the Aneros into my prostate, Involuntary movements of the Aneros the next week, deep pleasure the next week, and so on. Although last week something changed, I was using my Progasm on...

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