• MMO or SUPER-O – Either way, I reached a new plateau

    It’s been a while since I posted my updates,
    Since buying my Progasm a month ago, I have hardly put the thing down. It feels amazing and my progress towards Super O were well on their way. About every week I was reaching a new Milestone – involuntary contractions, pushing the Aneros into my prostate, Involuntary movements of the Aneros the next week, deep pleasure the next week, and so on.
    Although last week something changed, I was using my Progasm on Saturday night and into Sunday morning. Although enjoyable, I still had not reached the Super O. I got up for a shower. I decided to masturbate whilst in the shower. I still had the Progasm inside me, it felt good whilst standing in the warn shower. Suddenly I look at my penis and I was ejectulating! It was weird as there was no sensation, no enjoyment, I was cumming and lots of it. I thought it was the involuntary result of all the Prostate massage I had been doing, although I was surprised by the lack of sensation.
    During the week that followed, I lost all interest in trying to achieve my Super O, I tried inserting the Progasm as usual, but nothing really happened. It was like my body did not care for the continued search for the elusive prostate orgasm. It felt boring having the Progasm inside me – nothing, I was worried because I had been making huge progress, then this happens. I thought all the “re-wiring” had come undone, all my efforts were wasted – .perhaps I had short-circuited something.
    This Saturday it all returned to normal and WOW!!
    My wife went away for the weekend, so I enjoyed a relaxing bath on Friday night. I lubed up and inserted my Progasm as normal. I went to bed and enjoyed a few hours of contractions and massaging my prostate. Then I fell asleep. I usually sleep with the prostate inserted, I make sure I am adequately lubed first. Then I woke up, probably a hour later to an erect penis and the Progasm contracting hard inside me. I sleep on my front, with my right leg bend up. I began moving gently into the bed, my penis rubbing against the sheets. Then it happened, I could feel the tingling in my groin and in my penis The tingling grew and grew and grew,, the Progasm involuntarily pushing hard up inside me and I was off. The most beautiful sensations came over me – it felt just like that feeling you get just before a regular orgasm. That warm sensation that starts deep within your tummy. The sensation grew and grew and continued for probably a minute or two. I was thinking – “WOW I’m having a MMO, It feels fantastic” I remember thinking how absolutely enjoyable it was. Then it subsided, then Again it happened – exactly as before, then again then again. Probably six more times before a fell asleep. I woke again about two hours later and did it again and again.. Some orgasms were better than others and some were very short. All were dry apart from the precum that had oozed out of my penis It was like I was in a higher plane of enjoyment. A plateau of pleasure, and once you are on that plateau, you just hover, gliding into and out of a sea of pleasure,
    Saturday afternoon and evening I did it again and experinced similar sensations although I’m sure they are becoming more intense.
    Sunday morning was again very similar, although last night (Sunday) was the very best one so far. Not the longest one, but definitely the most intense orgasm. I do not know if this is the Super-O but I am satisfied. Perhaps there is even more surprises to come!
    My wife came home today so I have to reframe from the pleasure. She does not know about my journey. I’m not sure how she will take it.
    A few tips for those on the journey:-
    1) don;t give up – It IS worth waiting for
    2) I found the “Milestones” as listed in this Wiki are a great help to find out where you are on the journey.
    3) Acheiving involuntary contractions is a MUST, without this occurring I do not think you can reach the next step. I lay there motionless and visualize the Aneros being sucked deep inside me, then the muscles start to do it on their own.
    4) I sleep with the Progasm inside me, I have read that you wake up horny and the body pulls you into the Orgasm, and that is exactly what happens with me. However, I have noticed that with the Progasm inside me, I do not get into REM sleep, and wake up every few hours. So be careful, you will suffer from lack of sleep after a while.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for GGringo


      09/12/2016at4:06 pm

      @OMGBO, great post! It’s great to see someone reach a new level and you described it well. Your blog is inspirational. Keep writing!

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