• Two great sessions, Sept. 13 & 15, 2016

    Hi guys,
    The splendid, late summer weather with its cool breezes, low humidity, and brilliant sunshine made me pleasantly tired last night. So I went to bed promptly at 10 p.m., my usual bedtime, and didn’t have my session as planned. I laid out my Aneros tools for the session: MGX and Helix Classic.
    I slept reasonably well last night. With summer heatwaves exiting, lower autumn temps will arrive in the coming days, along with the low humidity. But we do have one hot day forecast for tomorrow Wednesday with high humidity before we go back to refreshing weather Thursday and Friday.
    So this morning right after getting coffee and pastry from 7 Eleven, I proceeded to this morning’s session with the following order of Aneros models: MGX, Helix Classic, Tempo, and Maximus.
    This morning I decided to let these models work for themselves according to my body’s desires. The do-nothing-approach does have its advantages for the experienced Aneros user. So I inserted the MGX which opened my session. Automatic anal contractions kicked drawing the MGX fully into my anal canal to fellowship fully with my prostate. I began on my right side and then switched on my back with my butt on the pillow. The MGX massaged away of its own accord which produced paroxysms of Aneros sweetness which I endeavored to enter into fully.
    The same thing happened with Helix Classic with its more direct, aggressive action.
    I hadn’t used Tempo in several weeks, but his action is magnified by his heavy steel heft which made the action of Maximus even more powerful and sweeter.
    My session lasted about an hour. My hole feels well plowed and my prostate well massaged by these exquisite Aneros models. I am typing this blog entry in powerful post session Aless!
    P.S. The intense Aless continued even yesterday all day Wednesday. I had an engagement that took me away from my apartment from 7:15 a.m. until mid afternoon when I arrived back home. By then we had record setting temps briefly around 95 Fahrenheit.
    Typed Friday morning. Thursday morning early I had an hour session with Progasm Classic. Ideally a typical session for an experienced Aneroser should last twenty to thirty minutes using just one model. This was the first time in a long time that I only used big bruiser Progasm Classic. The session went remarkably well and finally ended with me wanting more. I came away with a well-plowed hole and amazing Aless. Aneros directions for us that one take an enema or have a BM before session. Such is recommended for large models as Maximus and Progasm. I finally had three BM’s through the day yesterday.
    While I had great Aless, I felt blah yesterday. A cold front passed through overnight. The skies were overcast with a touch of autumn in the air. There was a breeze from the northeast. I found myself taking a couple naps.

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