Once you become mastered in something it becomes repetitive to continue on about the same thing over and over again. I take little breaks from the site so when I come back I have a good tale to tell. Well last afternoons session was just that. I ride ever so often now. I can MMO and have a HFWO. Me and my prostate have become one. At one point I thought I was abusing him with my constant rides. I...

Hi guys, This morning I had a 45 minute session with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. Once again I reveled in their hooking around my prostate along with their penetrative power! These days I am able to completely relax and let them do their thing. However, my relaxation along my gentle breathing amplify their action during sessions but also give me Aless beyond compare! The session ended at 6:30 a.m. We had the remnants of tropical storm Cindy pass through last night....

Hello guys, Last night, I again had a session with a prostate Aneros Progasm Ice and stimulation American brand Pipedream. The entire evening was all excited just at the thought that I could play with my prostate and my l favorite toys, it was finally been 8 days since I had been active. After I had taken a hot bath to relax a little, I'm at about half past ten gone to bed and get some pornography. I started this time with...

Hi guys, With the summer solstice upon us and dawn arriving here in the 5 o'clock hour, most mornings I get up just before or after sunrise which occurs about 5:45 a.m. Fortunately so far this summer we have had highs in high 80's or low to mid 90's. This blog entry comprises what I have experienced in my Aneros sessions from last Saturday to this morning. This morning I arose about 5:30 a.m. and got my favorite Aneros devices of MGX,...

I don't know if anyway has this experience before but I feel like I damge myself. I have this consent prostate arousal that won't again. No matter how many time I "release" myself. The prostate arousal will not go away. It's keeping me up at night. Is this permanent? ...

Since I've been riding since 2014, sessions usually start to fire off in about an hour from insertion. This is if I've been riding consistently, at least twice a week. Sadly, rides have become few, but last weekend's was pretty incredible. I had been edging for about an hour before the ride, so my prostate was pretty swollen. As soon as the Progasm went in, I started oozing. Within about 20 min, I achieved auto contractions. Usually, these contractions become...

It's been a while since my last post, so I thought I would write a little something. It's been pretty busy this year, with limited time to use the Helix Syn, but I've taken the chance when I can. I've also tried to do more with the Peridise, and the last few weeks have been using it more. As with the Helix, I've found that I can try to consciously manipulate it (contract/loosen) and it's very nice, but that I can...

Hi Guys, Last night I had a great session with my Progasm Ice. After I had taken a relaxing bath, I started around midnight with applying a water-based lubricant in my anus and on the Progasm Ice,. When very relax on bed to lie down with my thoughts at the wonderful session that would follow in the next night and that was so. After about 45 minutes to have located the first short dry orgasm, this followed by several...

Hi guys, I had a pleasurable time this past Thursday and again this morning, Saturday in my sessions with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. These days I am focusing upon mindful Anerosing. Mindfulness meditation focuses upon the present moment, accepting what is presented to you presently in meditation. Mindfulness enables me to relax and allows me to enjoy the movement of MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic within me. When I am mindful, I focus upon the Aneros sensation in many dimensions....

I think I am finally at peace with my Aneros mission and that is what it took to get positive results. You read and hear about all of the advise, " dont expect too much, just relax, dont try to make something happen" and it all sounds so easy and also like a bunch of BS but I finally get it. and it is not something you do, it is more of an acceptance of your own personal...

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