Hi guys, It always wonderful to have an Aneros session on the Fourth of July. That is when my apartment building is perfectly quiet. No staff or workmen here today. They are away or with their families enjoying our national holiday. I use the expression "many happy returns" because our nation's birthday needs such well wishes especially now. It was on the morning of July 4, 2015 that I enjoyed my very first Super-O, albeit a mild one. It happened during a...

Being experienced with prostate play and vibrating massagers, I didn't know what to expect out of this inexpensive device. $26.99. This guy packs a wallop or power and vibrations. It lays right on my prostate gland and hits just right. I like the large bulbous head. It assist in keeping the device in place. Throughout my entire session, I didn't have to adjust or push it in once after the initial inserting. It may look a little intimidating to a...

I don’t know why, but for 10 days or so I had been totally disinterested in having an Aneros session or indulging in any sexual activity whatsoever. I really missed it and badly wanted to have some action but when the opportunities came along I felt switched off somehow. I wasn’t unduly worried and thought that when the time was right I would know. However impatience got the better of me and I decided that I was going to try...

Hi guys, We in the mid Atlantic are having a weekend of excessive heat with highs in the mid to upper 90's. This heatwave will begin to abate on Tuesday. So this morning I have decided to stay home from church and view the worship service at the church web site. Most nights in bed I enjoy diddling my nipples which produces a sweet Aless which lulls me to sleep. However this morning my diddling made me ready for an Aneros session....

Hi guys, The mid Atlantic this weekend is experiencing excess heat in the mid to upper 90's. The heatwave will begin to abate somewhat on Tuesday this week. Fortunately I attend a church here which enables Internet distance viewing of its services. I can attend church in the air conditioned comfort of my apartment! :-) I enjoy my retirement years spending hours most days in various foreign language translation projects. This activity keeps my mind sharp and promotes my general health. Sometimes...

I knew I was going to be writing another review, I just didnt think it would be so soon. Friday I went to my local adult store which happened to have the Maximus Trident in stock. In addition to something sexy for my wife I returned home with the Maximus. Being late afternoon and home alone I was particularly aroused. I decided it was time to give girthy maximus a try. Without having tried the original maximus there is...

I am going to keep putting together reviews of Aneros products to help others decide on purchases and to share my experience with various models. I just did a review on the Helix Trident. I would like to know what my fellow Aneros users would like to see next in the trident line. Put your votes in the comments! I will review the top 2....

I thought about making a blog post about my last session with my Helix Trident however that does not do justice for how amazing this toy is. Its really more of a pleasure tool than a toy to me at this point. I purchased my Trident 4 months ago and really my other toys have been collecting dust since then. I have all 3 helix models. The classic was my favorite, but the handle made it rub the back of...

It has been over three months since my last blog post. I have not had any news to write about until recently. I work a weekday job with a long commute. I typically work out after work and by the time I get home, eat dinner and take care of things around the house I did not really have the time or energy for a productive aneros session. If I did try a session, I would just get really...

It has been almost a week since my last session. During my last session, I hit a point of arousal I had never felt. And got pleasure from my progasm in a way I have yet to experiance. I started with the progasm. Then went to the helix. The amount of movement i get from the helix after the progasm is wonderful. Then I had a very aroused idea. What if I could get the Progasm to move like the...

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