• An overnight of abundant genital and anal activity, June 24-25

    Hi guys,

    The mid Atlantic this weekend is experiencing excess heat in the mid to upper 90’s. The heatwave will begin to abate somewhat on Tuesday this week. Fortunately I attend a church here which enables Internet distance viewing of its services. I can attend church in the air conditioned comfort of my apartment! 🙂

    I enjoy my retirement years spending hours most days in various foreign language translation projects. This activity keeps my mind sharp and promotes my general health. Sometimes I am so engrossed in a translation project that causes me to go without an Aneros session. But that is OK because when I return to Aneros after several days of absence, Aneros is glad to see me! 🙂

    Late last Sunday afternoon after a full day at church, I had a session with Progasm Junior, MGX, and Progasm Ivory that was a good session, but not one of my best. Aneros works best with me first thing in the morning when I am refreshed a good night’s rest.

    However that night I stay up past my usual bedtime viewing pics of an gay erotic nature on tumblr. I was wearing only briefs and found myself rubbing frenulear delta and flange of my Glans through my briefs. That provided the trigger for a full-fledged masturbation session, my first in five weeks of SR. I ejaculated a copious load of semen and was amazed by the strength of my ejaculatory pulsations of my penile urethra!

    Then I had a superb Aneros session a few hours at sunrise with the same Aneros models the afternoon before!

    I am in day eight of my new SR challenge!

    Take care!

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