• An Aneros auto-fuck session like none other! : Sunday July 1

    Hi guys,

    We in the mid Atlantic are having a weekend of excessive heat with highs in the mid to upper 90’s. This heatwave will begin to abate on Tuesday. So this morning I have decided to stay home from church and view the worship service at the church web site.

    Most nights in bed I enjoy diddling my nipples which produces a sweet Aless which lulls me to sleep. However this morning my diddling made me ready for an Aneros session. I rode MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Ivory.

    However, I started with Maximus which inserts comfortably to the hilt. This morning this comfortable fit along with some mild Kegels started an auto-fuck that went on and on, like to a good thirty minutes which I could have continued another fifty minutes or more! This auto-fuck produced a very high level of pleasure interspersed with an orgasmic buzz or electricity intermingled with many mini-O’s and several Super-O’s. I think I have finally developed MMO capability.
    While I was experiencing this Maximus auto-fuck action, I was enjoying the highs and lows of Maximus fucking me. I believe that I am on the verge of developing some control over how this action takes place and produce Super-O’s and MMO’s in the midst of all this pleasure!

    I reluctantly withdrew Maximus from my bunghole after thirty minutes of absolute auto-fuck pleasure, but could have rode Maximus much longer.

    I went next on to MGX. I believe MGX fits me the best of all my Aneros models, but MGX fits me in its own way. MGX produced a different auto-fuck signature, not as intense as Maximus, but just as effective. I worked with MGX for fifteen minutes.

    After MGX, I went on to Progasm Ivory. I just love my Progasm models and how they fill me up so pleasurably. I communed with Progasm Ivory for several minutes before its auto-fuck began first slowly but picking up to intense auto-fuck action.

    Most of my Aneros sessions produce amazing Aless. My Aless as I type this blog entry is remarkable because it seems that my auto-fuck is continuing. Mild Kegels this morning post session really rev up the pleasure of my Aless! This went on for twenty minutes.

    Update at 8:34 a.m., a good 2.5 hours after the conclusion of my session this morning: A major prerequisite for an Aneros auto-fuck is that you have a major BM at least several hours before an Aneros session. Can you manufacture an Aneros auto-fuck? It is possible, at least I hope can develop this capability in future sessions. I look now upon my sessions as akin to going fishing. Guys going fishing relax and enjoy themselves while waiting for fish to bite. The same with Aneros sessions, enjoy them, have fun, and experience Aneros pleasure. Just let Super-O’s and MMO’s happen. They will come to you.

    My Aless is amazing this morning, lots of Aneros post-fuck pleasure which is manifested in chairgasms, diddling my nipples while Kegeling! Wow!

    Update at 7:55 p.m., Monday July 2: I had strong and very sweet Aless for the rest of Sunday yesterday. Earlier this evening I tried to replicate yesterday morning’s session. It was an OK session, but two telemarketer calls (which I seldom answer) fifteen minutes apart interrupted it. I aborted my session out of disgust. I will try again Wednesday morning July 4.


    • Avatar for GGringo


      07/02/2018at4:22 pm

      @BigGlansDC great blog! You are a great source of inspiration for me. In every echelon of your progress you have written about over time made me look forward to reaching it. This one is no exception!

      I’m extremely happy with my own progress and I believe everything will come in due time. The pleasure I always get in my every sessions, A and Aless, is ALWAYS very rewarding.

      Good vibes to you!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      07/03/2018at12:01 am

      @GGringo, Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! 🙂

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