This journey is so interesting. It's a continuous learning experience. Earlier today I read through the following thread: I decided I would try a few things in my aless session before going to bed. I didnt think I would get anything I would want to write about. I am more than a month removed from my first super-O and I wouldnt call myself an expert but I do believe me and my body are on the right wavelength. Tonight we became even...

Yesterday was a pretty good session. Started out with the PS-New and switched to the Progasm after about an hour and a half. Did not quite hit the highs I hit a couple sessions ago but, nothing to complain about. I take what I get and am happy with it. Today was a change. Did about thirty minutes with the PS-New before switching to the Progasm. This session I hit some new highs. I'm finding sessions involving more traditional O muscles...

Last night I had a partial brake through. Went to bed with the mgx. I started on my left side. After 30 minutes of do nothing and nothing happening, not even a twitch I decided to roll over on my back. I reached down and started to massage my perineum just above the p-tab. An orgasm started almost immediately than rolled into another more intense than the first. I lost count after 5 as they started to come closer...

So this week has been rather crazy. I failed in the early part of the week at my normally weekly SR. I ended up getting carried away on Tuesday and decided to ejaculate only 2 days in. So with that reset I decided to also give my prostate a break. 2 days in with just diving into my work tasks butt buzz and Aless were pretty much sustaining me. Friday I had a full on fight session with my prostate...

Well today is interesting. I woke up with a little butt buzz. Nothing out of the ordinary but I had no time to play. Had to prepare a ham for the office pot luck party. My prostate had other ideas. I went through my normal routine of edging 3 times in the shower. 300 kegels on the way to work. My butt and surrounding area around my prostate have been super sensitive. I take a breadth and I can...

Did not take five minutes for things to take off with some fairly big O's. Did not hit quite the highs of the last two sessions but I'm not complaining. I'm fighting a cold so I expect this slowed things down. Last session was the PS-New. Progasm usually gets the job done. *...

Last night I had my first twinkle with the mgx. I started early at 7:30. I was at the computer sitting side saddle minding my own business when I felt the twinkle of an orgasm tingle start. It came out of no where starting deep in my belly than dispersed in a flowing ripple of a wave, like a rock being tossed into water. Once it dispersed to my extremes no amount of doing nothing or something would bring...

What took two hours to get to this past Saturday took about thirty minutes tonight. Right back to almost tearing the top off the mattress. Stopped and cleaned up about ten minutes ago. Sitting here slightly trembling with some significant O's still happening. Wish I had another hour. OMG! ...

Woke up at 5:30 again, felt empty. I went and got the helix to start the day. I know I should give a day between sessions but woke up several times with a screaming hard boner. God I need to get laid but know it most likely won't ever happen again. Hell I've forgot what it feels like to have a hot wet pussy wrapped around my cock, it's been so long Slipped back into bed on my...

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