I had a teeny bit of time this morning so I had a maximus session that lasted about an hour. My aneros sessions seem to slowly be getting better and better. For the entire duration, I had really good feelings. The highlight came about 3/4 of the way through when my anus pulled the maximus in slightly and held it there, quivering every so gently. This sent tingling bliss throughout my entire body. My penis felt like it was erect...

I participated in my first chat two weeks ago. It was a very interesting experience. From the moment I got on the chat, I started having p-waves and mini-o's. With encouragement from others, I had several dry-o's. We started experimenting with sending energy to each other. Several of us seemed to respond to this although I'm not 100% sure why. Perhaps it was the power of suggestion. Perhaps it was the erotic excitement of sharing this orgasmic experience with others....

I was awakened last night twice by orgasms. For the first one, I was half asleep so I don't remember a lot of the details. I do remember laying there for some time having multiple orgasms. At some point, they subsided and I fell back asleep. I was awakened again at around 2:30am. I remember this session more clearly. I had a bunch of intense orgasms. I decided to masturbate to try to calm things down and get some sleep...

My ability to get to an anerosless orgasm continues to be phenomenal. Last night, I had an hour-long session that was amazing. The orgasms came pretty easily and stayed at a peak for a long time (one was 10-15 minutes). Sometimes it felt like I'd reached a peak and the intensity would increase beyond this. I ended the session with an ejaculation (the first one since saturday). This morning, I had a quickie 15-minute session. The majority of it was one...

So I took a short break from my Aneros since last Thursday when I ejaculated. And decided that I would wait until my body lets me know when it is ready to continue again. So last night while sitting at the computer, I notice that I was doing some anal and PC muscle flexes and they were feeling really good! So that was my cue to start my no-Aneros warm up while looking at porn. And I specifically made it...

It seems like my marathon session over the weekend (see my previous blog entry) may have helped me break through some sort of wall. This morning I had a very short anerosless session after waking up. It went from 0 to amazing in just a few minutes. It seemed like the intense orgasmic feelings came a lot easier than in the past. This isn't to say that it's been terribly difficult lately, but this morning was exceptionally easy. Even now...

I spent most of yesterday having orgasms. My day included: -a morning anerosless session -a couple of sessions trading energy with people on the chat -another anerosless session in the afternoon -3 hours with maximus and helix at night -another anerosless session after removal of the aneros -a super-t to end it all I'm not exaggerating when I say that I'm sure I had on the order to 50 orgasms throughout the day. During one of the chats, I had one that lasted more than 10 minutes. The...

I had an interesting and somewhat unique experience this morning. I'm sure it's connected to my aneros experience this past weekend; new anerosless experiences usually are. I awoke from a very erotic dream at about 2am. I'll spare you the details but it involved a male friend of mine, his wife, and a shower. This friend's wife is very attractive. My friend was there but didn't participate. However, his wife did. :) Anyways, I woke up but I wasn't particularly horny. I...

I thought it was time for an aneros session. I started with the Maximus (1/2 hour), the finished with the Eupho. My aneros sessions are usually pretty tame. But, I keep going back to them because these sessions seem to help my anerosless practice. So, I don't expect much. However, they do seem to be getting better and better. I had some really nice feelings this time. I had two dry-o's that were quite intense. Not as intense as my anerosless orgasms,...

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