• Back down to earthiness! Erections return!

    In early September I got a replacement medication finally that does not induce Erectile Dysfunction!! HURRAY! It took a couple of weeks for the old med to gradually fully clear my system, and as it did… … … iii … !!! Morning Wood began to reappear!
    About that time mrs. a went on a trip for week and I could deal with glimmering marble hard erections, like I hadn't had for almost 5 years, yah! FIVE soft years!
    Well actually we have had wonderful sex during the last 3+1/2 years via Aneros/KSMO. See my knowledge gained from [B]Joyous Soft Penis Sex[/B] in those posts here below, so to speak…
    It was like PUBERTY all over again. Wow! What all can I do with this THING! Four major SUPER-T ejacorgasms as I just had great solo fun with my long lost friend.
    Then I settled into sessions exploring the potential reactive role of this new erection presence in my Aneros practice. And during these sessions things settled down to the energies Super-Os and Spiritual-Os best practices and I had wonderful sessions, with the added vitality of knowing I was again erection capable and could feel the full functioning of my penis and the better blood flow through the whole region.
    So, the old alchemist in me thought I am going to try sessions with my naked bod and particularly my "South Face" (ass and genitalia) bathing in sunshine which was abundant at the time. And later in the near full Moon light.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/18/2010at9:44 am

      You said about "Mooning at the Moon".
      If you use an Ice model in the sunshine
      does the sun shine where it has never shone before ?
      Well done on the erection killer.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/20/2010at2:34 pm

      Artform: What med did you ditch. I have precious few morning and nighttime hards at age 63. I am on 10 mg of lisinopril blood pressure med and I have often wondered if it is the culprit. Tell us more about you regimen.
      Lately, the yahoo hypoganadism men have advised me to use a quarter tablet of arimidex every third day for estrogen management in us older guys. Initially, I did have some raging wood in the morning after starting that regimen……But now, nothing.
      You are so correct. Nighttime and morning wood are part and parcel of our masculinity and when it goes, we men grieve. When we can get it back, its like our boyhood is renewed.
      Tell us more on the meds.
      Thanks man

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