• Maximus + Eupho

    I thought it was time for an aneros session. I started with the Maximus (1/2 hour), the finished with the Eupho.
    My aneros sessions are usually pretty tame. But, I keep going back to them because these sessions seem to help my anerosless practice. So, I don't expect much.
    However, they do seem to be getting better and better. I had some really nice feelings this time. I had two dry-o's that were quite intense. Not as intense as my anerosless orgasms, but intense enough to elicit some groans :). I was able to get the aneros "rocking" back and forth (a very slight contraction that just kept it moving). It felt really really good. This led to at least one of the orgasms. I experimented with the "relaxing into" move I've used in my anerosless sessions. It produced some really nice anal contractions.
    A few new things:
    -some quivering of my entire body; sort of an excited shaking…not very intense
    -my legs jerked around a few times; again, nothing violent or sustained
    All in all, it was a lot of fun. We'll see if it leads to anything interesting in my anerosless sessions.

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