I keep checking the tracking information, reading the forum, etc. I'm pretty sure the thing will come in the mail today. I continue to do my muscle contractions and I feel a strong erotic feeling. I can't wait for the thing to arrive. My wife knows that I ordered it, but I think she's dismissive about it. I don't know if I want to have my first sessions alone, secretly, privately or with her. I really need to get some...

I had a chance for a short session this morning. It started out a lot like my aneros sessions. The good feelings started almost immediately and would peak and subside. They were focused on my prostate but I was getting some nice feelings throughout my body. I'd call some of them dry orgasms. After about a 1/2 hour, something very different started to happen. Prior to this, the pleasure would spike up, feel really good, then die down. Around this 1/2...

Well after one nice session last week with the Helix and a so-so session with the Helix and Progasm, I decided to try again today hoping for some forward progress. The net is that I did not get anywhere really. I started out for a few minutes with the Helix and then progressed to the Progasm. It went in nicely and I could feel it on my prostate. I relaxed for a few minutes and then started playing...

I ordered my MGX yesterday, and thought I'd say a little about what led up to it. From my journal entry of July 6, 2009: Just did a sexual meditation. I was exercising my PC muscles while lying on my back. I was giving my attention to the way my PC muscle was working. What I could and couldn't do with it. I soon became very sexually aroused. I decided not to touch myself. To see where this would go without...

I had a full day to myself today so I decided to take advantage of it. I started with an unbelievable anerosless session. It ramped up very quickly and I had several really good orgasms. This session lasted about an hour. I then decided to give the eupho a try. I spent another hour here and it was probably the best yet. My aneros sessions are slowly getting better and better. They now rival my anerosless ones in intensity. This...

Just using the blog as a thought sketchbook to work some ideas through here :) Executive Summary Ejaculation has nothing to do with the breadth and depth of the orgasms you seek to experience, other than ejaculation being the emergency stop button to avoid you reaching them unwittingly, the misunderstanding and mythology surrounding this barrier is akin to that which once surrounded the 'sound barrier' until it was actually exceeded and experienced by humans. A little background on me - I rarely ejaculate,...

Finally making my way back to the hotel, I prepared for my first experience with my new MGX. I had some nice music, dimmed lights, bottle of red wine, a little porn, and lots of lube. Taking the advice of some on the blogs and wiki, I shaved a bit. I turned on the music, dimmed the lights and went to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower to relax. Afterward, I started preparing. I laid out a towel on the bed,...

Well, I made the trip to Oklahoma. MGX was packed in my bags and I was able to spend time with my family for the Thanksgiving holiday. As I was warned, it feels like it could become addictive...

I thought I'd recap the events of the last few days. Needless to say, I've been enjoying myself :-). Sunday I was on the chat and, for some reason, became highly aroused. I am often highly aroused while chatting but this time it was a bit more intense. I signed off, inserted my Eupho, and climbed into bed. The session only lasted about 1/2 hour but it was phenomenal. I ended with a super-t after removing the Eupho. My Eupho has...

I finally grabbed the courage (aka my balls, aka Juan and Lefty) and decided that I needed to begin the journey now and buy an Aneros Helix. I went to the local adult store and, palms sweating, I went in. Of course, I couldn't find any Aneros products. After looking around for a bit, and wondering if I would have to go to the clerk and ask, I found them. They were in a corner,...

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