• The best laid plans…

    I finally grabbed the courage (aka my balls, aka Juan and Lefty) and decided that I needed to begin the journey now and buy an Aneros Helix. I went to the local adult store and, palms sweating, I went in. Of course, I couldn't find any Aneros products. After looking around for a bit, and wondering if I would have to go to the clerk and ask, I found them. They were in a corner, all lined up floor to ceiling.
    I could feel a stirring in my crotch… and also my rear… actually, I'm not sure as all of the feelings below my belt are starting to meld together. Lots of fullness, tingling, twitching, and happiness are centered there right now.
    I starting going through the various items for sale… looking for my new buddy, Helix… He was not there..
    I went through them again and again.. thinking that I must have missed him… I finally realized that Helix was not there. That he would not leave the store with me today…
    Trying to think back thru all the analysis I did to find my first companion on this journey, I remembered that I was going to originally get the MGX. Between the MGX and the Maximum, I stood there for a bit, pondering which would be the one I would select. I was bound and determined to get something… to not leave empty handed.
    I got the MGX and headed out of the store to a business meeting I had scheduled for later that day… I felt a familiar tingle down there… anticipating where all this was going to take me… but knowing that it would be a few days before I would be able to enjoy my new toy.
    I felt the familiar swelling in my crotch, but now it was accompanied by another tingling, swelling feeling deep inside me… something like I had never felt before… something that was familiar but still strange…
    I grabbed my keys (and my crotch) and got in the car… letting the excitement build until next week when I would have time to really do this right… to really learn about my body and the pleasure I hope will come with this exploration…

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