My 6 Stages of Aneros development: 0. Anal acceptance - a personal stage. Feels REAL good when my ass is played with, but isn't that gay? Ungh! Feels real good when wife plays there, but...

Alright, this time there was no mistaking it for something else. I am sure I got a major one, which actually relegates the one(s) I had before as minor ones. I was horny last night. The week had been long and full of disappointment professionally speaking and somewhere more personally as well. My birthday (fortieth) was last sunday and I had spent the day at the hospital with my son that had to be operated in a hurry for a bad...

At the age of 62, I am more and more aware of the pace at which I am growing old. It happens to all people; but, now, I am consciously aware the end of my earthly life is closer with each passing day. Each time I look into a mirror there is another droop or sag. I've had ear surgeries, heart surgery, back surgery; and now, I have a condition my doctor calls neuropathy. My legs...

I tried my third session in the evening. I did it without the hypnosession mp3s and I might have missed on something here. I started by relaxing and breathing after the insertion and getting myself aroused. I then experimented with contraction strength and body position. I definitely felt some p-waves and even found myself moaning at one point, which I found pretty encouraging. My wife joined mme in bed after about one hour and I figured it would be nice to have...

You are convinced excessive stimulation of nipples and / or arse leads men into another dimension of orgasm experience, whereas excessive cock stimulation always ends in ejaculation, stimulation of nipples and / or arse can side step the termination of pleasure caused by ejaculation and instead let you expand into further dimensions of pleasure. You feel deeply masculine and happy to be a man, but you've integrated your feminine side and your body is beginning to show you, you can...

Lube: natural jelly. In the last few weeks, my body has been in a quiet phase. The sessions have been pleasant, but they've only barely reached the plateau. New, interesting sensations have cropped up, but no "O". That all changed this evening. Some background into the last few weeks first. I've been using the Helix for a few sessions and then the Maximus for a few sessions, then switching back. In between I've been having Anerosless sessions. I found in one of the Helix...

This time, I came prepared. On saturday, my wife and I went to a sex shop and got some needed things (more lube and cleansing equipment). I read some more on the subject and quickly figured what I did wrong on my first time. I figured that help to relax would be welcome, so I decided to acquire the hypnaerosession mp3s. On sunday afternoon, with the benediction of my wife,n I retired to our bedroom and did things properly. The mp"s helped me...

My wife bought me my Helix for my fortieth birthday. Yes, we are one month in advance but she got all excited that I wanted to get myself a sextoy. She is of the opinion that everybody should own a sextoy and does not have any problem with me doing stuff with my butt. I have to admit that I have been curious for a while now, but I had hesitated to cross the bridge. Now it is done and I...

Not a great deal happened in the last few weeks. Most sessions led to a "calm seas" O, which I really liked. I then had a long weekend when I was away from my toys and also too busy during the day and too tired at night to be able to have even an anerosless session. When I got back to it, things had changed. My body was reluctant to follow the (by that point) well trodden path to the calm...

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