• Second try: this time I was prepared

    This time, I came prepared.
    On saturday, my wife and I went to a sex shop and got some needed things (more lube and cleansing equipment).
    I read some more on the subject and quickly figured what I did wrong on my first time. I figured that help to relax would be welcome, so I decided to acquire the hypnaerosession mp3s.
    On sunday afternoon, with the benediction of my wife,n I retired to our bedroom and did things properly. The mp"s helped me relax and I got nicely excited. I tried the contractions and definitely felt something. The only problem was that I was not completely comfortable with staying too long and I got impatient. 🙁
    I finished myself with a very nice ejaculation with my helix inserted that was quite good.
    I want to wait for this week end before trying again and as I am on vacation next week, I will make some time for myself and my Helix to get really well acquainted.

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