I have been getting back into Anna Coy's Breathe for the Health of It mp3 series. She guides you down through the body as you consciously breathe into different parts of your body and relax your muscles. It's very soothing and I often fall asleep and wake up energized and renewed. A couple of times now I have slipped briefly into a deeper trance or perhaps sleep but have been woken up by my entire pelvic and leg region...

For those that have been following my progress, I apologize for not taking care of this sooner. I had finished up my Peridise training about a month ago, and haven't really used it much since then. However, I figured now might be the best time to go over my usual training sessions with these wonderful little training tools. For the most part, I would insert anywhere from the moment I get home (between 6-7pm) to about an hour before bedtime. On...

Hi. I crawled into the fetal position and inserted a finger and it felt good. at times it went up to the sphincter and the sensation was nice in that part. It was good just to lie still and just gently come hither with the finger tip. I just stimulated my nipples and i could feel a somewhat energy in my rectum and I could feel a slight pulse. I didnt want to take my finger out because...

For the last few weeks sessions have been quite low key and I seemed to have reached a bit of a plateau, if you define progress as an upward journey. I was beginning to get a bit despondent, wondering whether I ought to get another model to try and move things on. Last night I decided to have a session, just for practice;it was several days since the last one which was pretty unproductive. No session produced a complete failure;...

Still like a good old-fashioned jerk every once in awhile when not riding Aneros or having sex with my wife. For these sessions, I've found I no longer need any lube as I can turn my dick into a perpetual lube machine! First I make sure I'm well hydrated and have a glass of water available during session. I'll cue of some nice porn and get arousal going. Some light stroking follows to get the blood going...

Hi guys. I am still to get my first device. Last night I was in bed and I inserted my finger which was pleasant. I did a gentle beckon with my finger and it felt quite good. I stimulated my nipples which increased the sensation and then massaged my perineum and I could feel it make contact my fingers inside which was awesome. So I alternated and the sensations were good. I could become addicted to this and...

So I don't know where to begin so I'll start with last Thursday, 1/24/13. I went to a my local shop and looked around in the butt plug aisle...

Long time no blog! Well I had nothing interesting to say. I have had lots of session with the progasm Ice but nothing to write home about. I can Insert the progasm with out pain now and have been practicing. This morning I was In the zone! Most of the session I could not feel the aneros itself in me, All I could feel is the feeling of my sphincter being dilated and just pleasure radiating out from my prostate and anus up...

I've had some more time to use my Peridise set and I'm so glad I bought them! Every session brings new feelings, I never know what's going to happen. As well as this I feel that the Peridise has brought me further along in the rewiring process, which is fantastic. The other night I had a little session with my Helix because I haven't used it since my purchase of the Peridise set and I wanted a little more contact with my...

Hi guys. I am a newbie to all this and I have yet to buy my first aneros model. Looking at the exercises that Chuck showed the assembly, I felt a kind of something but was unable to stay as long as I would have liked as I live in the Uk and it was getting near 1 am and bed. I got into bed and thought I would lubricate my finger with cream and insert it up me...

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