Hello all. So where to begin. Me and my family have a very nice size home. But with everyone working so much it gets quit messy at times. So what does this have to do with my journey, just stay with me. So we all decided to have a cleaning day today & to not leave a spec of dust anywhere. So since I now how my mom is about cleaning I knew a early morning was in my...

So I'm in the chat and Rumel tells everyone he just create a Male voice aneros mp3. It is designed for gay men but other men can listen as well. So enjoy this blog as I try to type clearly explaining this session. There is a hot male already in session and his soft moans are making me moan as well. I have already been riding all night and now this early morning. His subtleness is turn me so on. I...

Well last night I felt like using my toy. I had not in a while even though my wife had been trying to entice me to do it for some time. I just wasn't in the mood I guess. Well last night I came to bed past midnight after a gaming session on the computer and read a little while waiting sleep to come. My wife was asleep next to me and I caressing her plus reading some smutty part in...

So no session yet. i Don't think I will have time until Tuesday. Which is completely okay. I have used this time to do some kegel exercises...

Here is the core point at Aneros that was recently shared as the core point at KSMO too, by KSMO member Sky_walker: A Zen student goes to a temple and asks a Zen master how long it will take him to gain enlightenment. "Ten years," says the Zen master. The student replies, "Well, how about if I really work hard and double my effort?" The Zen master smiles and says, "Twenty years." artform/Art as we rewire we are all reconnected...

I did it again! Two days from the last mini-O. Today I had an Aneros session with my Progasm Classic and ended up having three little mini-O's right in a row! It was like peak, ebb, peak, ebb, peak, ebb in just a few minutes or less. Wow! This so blows my mind! I feel like I've become ass and prostate sexual. Of course after they occurred I tried my best to relax and get it to happen again. But every...

Last night in Chat here, a Guest asked about what could be done in his present practice with his MGX, which he has been using for about six months. Instantly I was transported back to my six months time with my MGX!! I was using the "do nothing" method primarily, butt with some side explorations and testing other techniques then too. The following is the exchange Guest and I had in Chat last night: artform: At about six months with my MGX,...

Hi guys. Good afternoon. If you can't tell by my tone I am very happy this early evening. I had the ride of my life last night. So lets go. I decided that I was going to sleep with my Helix in. I have been saying that for a few days but backed out. So I said today's the day. I cleaned out, stuck him in and began my peaceful ride. So side note a aneros brother of mine...

So finally I achieved another non-ejaculatory orgasm via Aneros prostate massage today. Yes! I believe it was a mini-O, as the duration didn't seem that long. But the sensation? Oh wow...

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